Example sentences of "few [prep] we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The BOA 's humiliating decision is poor reward for their outstanding achievements and something , I believe , few of us wish to be associated with .
2 Well , we were really disappointed and a few of us said so .
3 ‘ The convulsion of war has opened our eyes to many strange things ’ , he wrote in 1919 , ‘ Few of us had realised till war had exposed it how thin is the veneer of civilisation over the underlying animal proclivities … the failure of religion to direct , and education to balance , the actions of men . ’
4 Very few of us had actually seen an A1 , except in the pages of our tan Allen ABC 's .
5 Anyway , a few of us had a drink in the hotel that night , and apparently there was a fight ; this was after I got drunk and got put to bed .
6 ‘ Ah , ’ said Joe Connors , a dark little man who reached forward with spatulate fingers for the corkscrew , ‘ There 's only a few of us left . ’
7 Very few of us remain confident of our personal power in every situation and with every sort of person .
8 Only a few of us remain , for though we do not age as mortals do , we can be killed , or in great unhappiness can choose to die . ’
9 Yes , a few of us fought , and a few of us died ,
10 Few of us felt any sympathy for them , because apart from the beatings which we had received on their accounts , we all knew the rules by now , and being caught and failing in any way was wrong .
11 Only a few of us knew about the cave .
12 Yes , a few of us fought , and a few of us died ,
13 Very few of us like to see pictures of ourselves looking tired , haggard or undignified , or with teeth missing .
14 Few of us get through childhood without a broken bone or a few stitches .
15 While Colonel Sanders 's fried poultry has n't done much for the state 's image and few of us get to attend the Kentucky Derby , America 's leading spirit is becoming increasingly fashionable in Britain .
16 Very few of us go through life without needing to borrow money at some time or other .
17 Few of us go to bed sober , he pronounced .
18 It might be nice to have a few of us go along , and I will drop a few subtle hints so a meeting with the players or at least a trip round the ground and watching a training session is on the cards : - )
19 It might be nice to have a few of us go along , and I will drop a few subtle hints so a meeting with the players or at least a trip round the ground and watching a training session is on the cards : - )
20 I used to work in construction in Chicago , but a few of us got blown off the skyscrapers .
21 A few of us sit around talking into the night , women 's talk about operations and illnesses , birth , blood and death .
22 This is a mine-field which few of us admit to being trapped by .
23 We all know how essential oxygen is for the lungs and the whole organism , but few of us remember that the skin also needs air as a stimulus for its normal functioning .
24 The fact that the break-up value of many large corporations is greater than their share value shows pretty clearly how much value corporate managers can subtract from their subsidiary businesses , but in fact few of us know exactly what managerial added value would look like when it is occurring .
25 Patrick Chauvel and I could see things were about to happen in Panama , Noriega had declared war on America , but it was Xmas and only a few of us went there .
26 Well back in September a few weeks after the quarry men first came out on strike a few of us went up to the picket line , a few of the women .
27 Very few of us stop to ask what it is that is pulling them together .
28 Few of us worry about security when we write a cheque .
29 And colleagues , a couple of colleagues that , er , few of us appear to appreciate from time to time , and those are the signers who do a very important job for some delegates who are here this week .
30 The mite lives in carpets as well as beds , but few of us lie on the carpet for hours on end .
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