Example sentences of "during the [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 During the Karajan years Mozart and Richard Strauss were not squeezed out , though the music of other composers was brought in .
2 second son of the Duke of Northumberland and commander of the Northumberland militia in London during the Gordon riots ( see GORDON , LORD GEORGE ) .
3 Special precautions were taken to protect his house during the Gordon Riots ( see GORDON , LORD GEORGE ) , since he had supported the Catholic Relief Bill of 1778 .
4 He was elected lord mayor in 1779 , and was thus in office during the Gordon riots of 1780 , when a campaign by Lord George Gordon [ q.v. ] for the repeal of the Catholic Relief Act of 1778 led to a week of mob rule .
5 The anger generated by this sort of situation among English Protestants underlay the mob destruction of the chapels attached to the Bavarian and Sardinian legations during the Gordon Riots of 1780 ; but in general religious frictions of this kind were not a serious source of difficulty .
6 With plans to expand our cutter fleet in the offing Venturous took on a new role as training ship during the winter periods for the next few years .
7 Yes and during the winter holidays I cut er cut the articles and I now , I , you can see the articles I cut during the holidays .
8 This completed the process begun in the early 1930s of concentrating generation on the most efficient stations , and using the least efficient only during the winter peaks .
9 Nevertheless , the high reliability of most of the new postwar plant , together with the policy of keeping very old plant in service virtually until it dropped apart ( there were few plant retirements in this period ) was sufficient for the National Grid Control to maintain a supply , albeit with immense efforts from the operating staff during the winter peaks , when virtually all available plant had to be maintained in readiness .
10 It was also during the winter months that vines were taken down from their wires and their ends tied ( often to the water pipes ) so that they formed a large bow shape .
11 Some garden produce , however , is deliberately grown for storage , and crops can be preserved for use during the winter months must be fully ripened if they are to last without rapid deterioration .
12 This is when the pilots who have been hibernating during the winter months get their gliders out and start flying again .
13 We work all year round but ca n't work on the uplands during the winter months — we might not see it for six to eight weeks .
14 It has been suggested that it occurs when susceptible individuals do not get enough natural light during the winter months .
15 Here , again , the American East Coast resorts have the advantage over Europe in that they experience very low temperature during the winter months .
16 For a start , it allows spreading to be carried over a longer period during the winter months ( Table 1 ) .
17 The legal entitlement to common of pasture was defined by the ‘ couchant and levant rule ’ — that is to say , commoners were allowed common for no more cattle than they could keep on their own land during the winter months when they were excluded from the forest .
18 With only four weeks of the season remaining , 10 people have so far been killed in avalanches in Switzerland against the national average of 37 during the winter months .
19 I was billeted in Wolverton during the winter months , when the blackout was most restrictive .
20 In order to avoid disruption of visitor 's enjoyment , the work will be completed during the winter months .
21 The turbine will run mainly during the winter months when the heavy rainfalls in the area ensure an abundance of fast flowing water , and it is hoped that electricity generation will start in 1991 .
22 During the winter months the room is quite dark at all times because the sun does not reach the west front of the house .
23 She led the way , still chattering , down the long dark corridor which acted as a wind tunnel , and kept the rectory in a state of refrigeration during the winter months .
24 The lower — rough gravel and during the winter months flooded at the far end .
25 Both establishments had open fronts so that conditions for employees could not have been pleasant during the winter months .
26 During the winter months , about 22,000 articles are dealt with weekly , and this number is increased to an average of 36,000 per week in the busy summer months .
27 The habitats dealt with here are primarily of importance for the numbers of wildfowl and waders present during the winter months and at times of passage .
28 During the winter months , behind the scenes restoration and conservation work has been taking place and there are new developments at many houses and gardens .
29 During the winter months , those trying to sell convertibles have little in their favour .
30 During the winter months when snow is seldom absent and the temperature can plummet to -40°C , the mission travelled about 1,500 miles across Siberia to Yeniseysk , at which they turned south-east and followed the wild , raging Angara River for 1,300 miles through deep-cut , tree-clad highlands to Irkutsk and the magnificent Lake Baykal .
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