Example sentences of "during [art] [num] be " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the most important single decision taken by the District during the twenties was to accept the Carnegie Trust 's offer to support financially the appointment of a tutor for the development of rural adult education .
2 I stretched out a weary arm to turn on my radio , an old song from sometime during the 80 's finally forced me to get out of bed .
3 He was a striker we had during the 80 's sometime — I think it was before we got relegated .
4 The second area which will particularly affect the book trade during the '90s is that of finance and financial strategy .
5 One major consequence of Communist International neglect of Latin America during the 1920s was that inadequate literature was made available in Spanish for the dissemination of Communist ideas ( this was pointed out by a Mexican delegate at the Sixth Congress ) .
6 The 1948 British Nationality Act renamed them Citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies ( CUKCs ) , but the people of Hong Kong retained their right of abode in Britain and during the 1950's were positively encouraged to go to the ‘ Mother Country ’ to fill job vacancies .
7 Many of the American psychiatrists who were doing much of the important pioneering empirical work on dreaming during the 1960s were deeply influenced by psychoanalysis .
8 The shift in the labour pattern significantly reduced the tensions between the European and non-European and largely unskilled Jewish elements in Israel which during the 1960s was becoming a serious social and political issue since the latter grew faster demographically than the former .
9 More important than any political uncertainty during the 1960s was the vast expansion of Higher Education , with new universities , polytechnics , and colleges , together with the recognition of the need for " A " levels to enter them , the Services , and the professions .
10 In Michigan , for example , 50 per cent of patients who had been found not guilty by reason of insanity during the mid-1970's were discharged from mental hospital within 60 days .
11 In short , I think we are in the realm of ideology here , and the rise of the ‘ small schools movement ’ during the 1970s is probably a reflection of the general resurgence of pastoralism ln popular thought over the past decade .
12 The increase in the number of primary elections and other assaults on the power of parties during the 1970s were enthusiastically welcomed by the Reagan forces .
13 With some exceptions the performances during the 1970s were constructed around the psychology of Hamlet , in the 1980s on the political context of the Danish court in which Hamlet was the most significant but by no means only player .
14 Catches of as many as 4000 dolphins in a single drive have been reported from the last century , and the record number of animals killed in a single day during the 1970s was 2838 .
15 Thus the considerable increase in recorded burglary during the 1970s was largely a recording phenomenon .
16 One of the crucial questions emerging for the CNAA during the 1970s was in fact the extent to which it could take initiatives as well as being responsive .
17 His subsequent break with the Roman church during the 1530s was not the result of any change of heart or conversion to the reformer 's views , nor due to any theological differences with the papacy .
18 One relatively recent approach which gained favour in the United States and Australia during the 1990s is based on the adoption of sentencing guide-lines for the courts .
19 The move towards more unified European financial markets and a single European currency during the 1990s are potentially the most important , but at this stage the most unfathomable , forces acting on the London money market in the 1990s .
20 Nevertheless , some of the coffin furniture produced during the 1730s was of a high standard , though the designs were limited , rococo in style , and copied ad nauseam by a multitude of tin-plate manufacturers in London and Birmingham .
21 Consequently , Wirral , along with a handful of other British urban communities , has during the 1980s been hit by heroin about as heavily as a community can .
22 One reason for the increase in the prison population during the 1980s was the rise in the number of remand prisoners awaiting trial or sentence .
23 What happened during the 1980s was that we measured more things , more systematically , and published the measurements to an extent not seen before .
24 One of the more distinctive features of urban policy in Britain during the 1980s was the return of large scale , comprehensive , redevelopment led by the Urban Development Corporations ( UDCs ) .
25 The fate awaiting ordinary civilians in both countries during the 1980s was decidedly uncertain .
26 For example , the average rate of growth in the FT All-Share Index during the 1980s was 18 per cent per annum , compared to only 4.2 per cent per annum for the period 1 January , 1990 to 31 December , 1992 . ’
27 Most of the new terminals commissioned during the 1980s were funded partly by the government by means of a ‘ Section 8 Grant ’ , giving up to 60 per cent of the total cost .
28 The new vehicles built as replacements during the 1980s were generally of higher capacity , privately owned and fitted with air brakes .
29 The early railway unions that emerged during the 1890s were generally socialist in orientation , although in a few cases they were anarcho-syndicalist .
30 One of the tests constructed during the 1930s is the Peabody Library Information Test designed by Shores and Moore .
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