Example sentences of "system [prep] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 appraise the internal quality system for elements for which new devolved responsibility is sought ;
2 The FDA also plans to introduce an ‘ accelerated approval ’ system for drugs for serious diseases of where no alternative exists .
3 However , the structure of government also contained an elaborate system of courts for enforcing commands , punishing criminals , and adjudicating disputes between the subjects of the realm .
4 Manpower , which operates a system of layoffs for staff to whom it can not offer an assignment , estimated that between five and ten per cent of its workforce might be laid off at any one time .
5 Most recently the Law Commission in 1989 recommended replacement of the dual system of trusts for sale and Settled Land Act settlements by a new trust machinery applicable to all trusts of land .
6 This was to consist of a system of linkages for bicycle traffic arranged in a functional hierarchy , with each of three levels in the network being specifically designed to meet particular needs of cycle traffic , as Figure 9.9 shows .
7 So , too , were proposals to end the state-funding of higher education and charge full-cost fees , or alternatively abolish the system of grants for university students ( a particularly unpopular idea amongst middle-class Tory voters ) .
8 If we are to continue with a system of grants for specific operations on the land we must ask ourselves whether , in many crofting areas , we would not get better land use , and a greater benefit to the nation , if we grant-aided amenity planting on the in-bye land to improve the appearance of the villages .
9 In 1862 the Revised Code instituted a system of grants for schools : 8s. ( 40p ) per year was to be awarded for every pupil who attended more than 200 times .
10 There will still be a system of rebates for people on low incomes but there will no longer be a minimum contribution — so some people will be entitled to 100 per cent rebates .
11 Elizabeth had introduced her system of fines for those who did not conform to the state religion , and the Roscarrocks had been forced to sell off all but this last small bastion of the Old Faith , perched on the edge of Cornwall .
12 This episode has an interesting social background since the right to ‘ cast clothes ’ or an employer 's old garments was an important element in the system of rewards for servants .
13 Generalizations in social science are mere generalizations unless ( a ) they reflect internal connections in a system of rules for action and ( b ) there is hard evidence that actors are really moved by the causal elements identified .
14 The construction of a generative grammar represents an attempt to formulate a system of rules for the formation of the sentences of a language .
15 The very small sums allowed for children under social insurance benefits have been kept deliberately low because of the presence of a separate system of payments for children .
16 It Germanised the few Polish street , town and place names , undertook propagandist ‘ research work ’ on historical subjects , supervised the Germanising of family names among those Poles who decided to take the plunge into German identity , took down Polish-language warning notices about venereal diseases from public toilets and instituted a system of bonuses for all teachers and civil servants prepared to move and settle in the eastern provinces .
17 France ( as does the UK ) operates a system of aids for farmers unable to meet the comparable income criteria for development plus .
18 It is hoped that the acceptance of these recommendations will lead to all members being offered a greatly improved service by the Society and that a democratic system of elections for Executive Committee members will be ensured .
19 However , this has been associated with the development of a massive system of subsidies for private development in the inner urban area , primarily through the operation of Urban Development Grants ( UDGs ) .
20 SCOTVEC recognises that the use of levels to describe vocational qualifications is becoming generally accepted and has therefore decided to adopt a system of levels for SVQs which is analogous to that adopted by NCVQ and NVQs .
21 The system of review of detention introduced under the P. & C.E. Act does not affect the system of applications for habeas corpus .
22 FOLLOWING the passing earlier this year of the Transport & Works Act 1992 , the Government are now completing preparation of detailed regulations for the new system of orders for new railway works which will replace both the old system operated under the Light Railway Acts and the former Private Bill procedure for larger scale works .
23 In 1840 he became locomotive superintendent of the Grand Junction Railway ( Birmingham–Warrington ) where he introduced to locomotive drivers a system of premiums for economies in fuel and oil , which enabled working expenses to be reduced considerably .
24 These include a unified system of penalties for smuggling people , the creation special units to deal with illegal migration , the exchange of information and unified border controls .
25 This meant the provision of a wage large enough for the needs of a man and wife supplemented by a state-paid system of allowances for all children .
26 The committee recommends a two-tier system of tests for identifying mutagens .
27 He also called for further tax changes which would encourage research and development activity , and a regional aid system with incentives for training .
28 Delta has an integrated system with capabilities for student administrative functions such as scheduling , grading , attendance and alumni development .
29 These people would need to have qualifications and experience outside the education system in subjects for which there is a shortage of teachers .
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