Example sentences of "to have been [vb pp] with " in BNC.

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1 When they finally appear , they turn out — in what for this play amounts to a considerable comic twist — to have been fitted with the wrong plug .
2 … a person who has been fortunate to have been connected with Guiding for the past 18 years .
3 Editor , — Does the surgical senior registrar who seems to have performed an unnecessary internal examination under anaesthesia without consent before an appendicectomy realise how lucky he is not to have been charged with battery ?
4 On May 14 Wolfgang Berghofer , the former reformist mayor of Dresden [ see pp. 37827 ; 37170 ] , was reported to have been charged with electoral fraud in the May 1989 municipal elections .
5 He was said to have been charged with misusing state funds and with abuse of power .
6 The victims are thought to have been killed with a hammer several days ago .
7 He is thought to have been killed with a high-powered long-range rifle , possibly an American-made Barrett ( Light Fifty ) which has a range of up to 1,800 metres and fires half-inch rounds .
8 Patients who joined the study between 1981 and 1985 tended to have been treated with ursodeoxycholic acid as it had become widely available at that time and was considered to be the oral bile acid treatment of choice for gall stone dissolution .
9 Crocker expresses ‘ confusion ’ at the Thai conclusion that their positive samples could have been natural since a wide swath of the district was reported to have been sprayed with yellow rain .
10 Although it was to have been built with funds and expertise from the US 's Agency for International Development ( AID ) , it was promoted by the US Embassy in Honduras .
11 The empty chambers are usually supposed to have been filled with gas , which help to give the animal buoyancy , and via the siphuncle the animal can vary its buoyancy to control its position in the water column .
12 THE future of services for the mentally ill in mid Essex seems to have been decided with plans for a merger with the area 's community health NHS trust .
13 He waited for a fortnight after the heavy snowfall of late November and still nothing appeared to have been said with regard to Sarah 's move to Leeds .
14 It is believed the company was suspended after investigators were unable to locate £500,000 alleged to have been invested with the company by Wentworth Investment Services .
15 Brilliant but temporary , and Poshekhonov was lucky not to have been shot with his two principal collaborators .
16 The film appears to have been shot with the favoured European approach to sound — filming it silent and post-dubbing all the dialogue .
17 The striking head is difficult to parallel stylistically , and the teeth seem to have been cut with an abrasive wheel which would not have been available in the Americas before the Spanish conquest .
18 He was also to have been presented with the freedom of seven other British cities and districts , including Dundee and Midlothian .
19 John Spearman , Classic FM chief executive , said : ‘ We are very pleased to have been presented with this prestigious award just six months after going on air .
20 The figures of the Roman war potential ( which is what men of military age means ) ought to have been compared with the Carthaginian war potential , but Polybius never does that .
21 Some of these transactions were alleged to have been conducted with the assistance of insider information supplied by Mitsuhiro Kotani , the head of a speculative investment syndicate who in 1990 pleaded guilty to one charge of manipulating stock prices and who remained under investigation for other alleged offences .
22 I found that my grasp on the image itself was now hazy , the very mechanisms of my mind seemed to have been injected with lobal anaesthetic , blown up into a fuzzy ineptitude .
23 The prints , which the Fingerprint Branch of Scotland Yard found to have been made with a left thumb pressed into the painting while still wet , have been minutely replicated in the damaged areas .
24 ‘ No contract is alleged to have been made with or on behalf of the plaintiff , and no facts are averred that show any duty on the part of the defendants towards the plaintiff for breach of which an action could lie .
25 More than one treaty is known to have been made with the Burgundians , although some may not have had imperial approval .
26 The first attack , which happened at Mithian Downs , was discovered on Saturday evening , when the horse suffered a wound which appeared to have been made with a sharp instrument .
27 Kim 's appeal for economic assistance was said to have been met with advice from Li Peng on running a market-orientated economy .
28 Despite that , the Dairy Crest sell-off is just about the only part of the MMB proposals to have been met with enthusiasm by the rest of the industry .
29 But alas , most seemed to have been born with only one or just mislaid the other on the way .
30 Even though he appears to have been born with the skills , he needs to build up a substantial repertoire of techniques .
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