Example sentences of "to have been [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 These four cases are among a great number where ministers have in the past fixed a tariff period on material that was not available to the prisoner , and which in my opinion ought to have been available to him .
2 The girl does seem to have been closer to her aunt than to her grandmother who died relatively soon , in her sixties .
3 This grandmother can be a heroine for me now , although it would have meant more to have been closer to her in life .
4 Both techniques proved to have been subject to persistent human errors which accounted for at least part of the apparent change in the size of the Sun .
5 The action of the Sandinista-controlled Army ( EPS ) , in obeying a government order and clearing the barricades away on July 10 , and the constitutional loyalty also of the police force ( which was similarly linked with the FSLN ) , was generally considered to have been crucial to the government 's survival .
6 The defendant must be proved to have been indifferent to an obvious risk of injury to health , or actually to have foreseen the risk but to have determined nevertheless to run it . ’
7 The curious fact is , however , that initially he seems to have been opposed to it , and , in altering his position , was largely persuaded by the TUC General Council .
8 Since on that occasion they were working with the approval of Fredegund they are likely to have been opposed to Brunhild .
9 Parliamentary Tickets appear to have been used to the end , although the need to supply a Parliamentary Train or trains had long passed .
10 These then are the main characteristics which distinguish the early retired from other older workers who remained actually or potentially in the labour market : the former were more likely to have been close to pension age , to report ill health , to be better off financially and to have non-manual occupations .
11 One of them , Janeth Sánchez Talavera , was a journalist believed to have been close to Sendero leader Abimael Gúzman Renoso .
12 The conviction for the diversion and misuse of public funds of Gen. Mustapha Belloucif , a former chief of staff said to have been close to former President Chadli Benjedid , was interpreted as a sign that the new authorities wished to prove themselves capable of attacking corruption , even in the military .
13 He seems never to have been close to his sister .
14 In origin such legislation is likely to have been similar to the Pactus pro tenore pacis , the edict of Chilperic I and the Decretio Childeberti , which were later attached to the Pactus Legis Salicae .
15 West believed that his mother had murdered his father ; the idea preyed upon him and is thought to have been contributory to his early death .
16 By way of abbreviation of what is stated by the independent conditionals in ( 5 ) , cc can be said to have necessitated e , and e can be said to have been necessary to cc .
17 However , there are different kinds of planners — the Orcadian planners seem to have been unreceptive to public opinion whereas in Shetland they may have been younger and more immature but they listened to complaints .
18 Although , on the face of it , this might not appear to have been conducive to the development of industry-wide bargaining paradoxically such ‘ division by occupation promoted bargaining by industry ’ ( Phelps Brown , 1959 , p. 362 ) .
19 Mr Chapman was prosecuted under s 37 of the 1974 Act , which states that where an offence under any of the relevant statutory provisions committed by a corporate body is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of , or to have been attributable to any neglect on the part of , any director , manager , secretary , or similar officer , or a person who was purporting to act in any such capacity , he , as well as the corporate body , shall be guilty of that offence .
20 The fact that they had contentious articles written with a fearless pungency seems to have been due to his joint editorship of both .
21 In some cases this appears to have been due to privileged access to knowledge not yet available to those lower down the hierarchy , as in cases where plans were in preparation for the closure , merging or reorganisation of schools being proposed .
22 Our adjustment for these confounding factors meant that any remaining differences in perinatal mortality rates were more likely to have been due to differences in the care received by patients .
23 He remained there for about two years before returning to England in July 1657 to take up a position as mathematics tutor to Joscelyne Percy , son of Algernon Percy , tenth Earl of Northumberland [ q.v. ] , at Petworth , an appointment which seems to have been due to the influence of the Puritan reformer Samuel Hartlib [ q.v . ] .
24 Although some may be quick to say that the vast majority of the book was actually written by Bullett , and not by Freud , no less than the actual intellectual framework of the book apparently seems to have been due to Freud 's input , er , Freud certainly was psychoanalytically trained , in any , in any sense of the word .
25 The delays appear to have been due to administrative confusion and a lack of political will .
26 More remarkably , the Mohists appear to have been near to formulating the concept of functional dependence in the relation of motion to time , an idea that was not fully developed until the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century in Europe .
27 Failure to do so seems to have been fatal to the employer 's case .
28 to have been marginal to his perception .
29 Bombload was to have been ten to fifteen tons and the designers believed that after shedding its bombs , the Fugaku would have been able to outpace US interceptors .
30 The English Association was set up to promote the maintenance of " correct use of English , spoken and written " , the recognition of English as " an essential element in the national education " , and the discussion of teaching methods and advanced study as well as the correlation of school with university work.48 From the beginning , personnel attached to the new Board of Education seem to have been sympathetic to the view of English as the most natural candidate to lead a mission of cultural renewal : at any rate , from its inception the English Association set out to ensure that such was the case .
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