Example sentences of "to have [be] [noun] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The Jacobite riot at Newcastle-under-Lyme in July 1715 was a well-planned and carefully staged affair , and one of the patrons seems to have been Ralph Sneyd , MP for Staffordshire .
2 Since then Cyrano is estimated to have been put on more times than any other French play and to have been General de Gaulle 's favourite theatrical work .
3 Jeremy Isaacs , former chief executive of Channel Four , challenged Mr Birt to name the mystery secretarial assistant to whom Mr Birt 's company paid a £15,000 salary , and who is now widely assumed to have been Mrs Jane Birt .
4 In fact , if the truth be known , he would really have liked to have been Walt Disney !
5 A key figure in the conspiracy was alleged to have been William Casey .
6 Much energy has been devoted to trying to establish which version is more likely to have been Christopher Marlowe 's .
7 Both government and opposition are grappling with the awkward consequences of an upsurge of religious tension inspired by militant Hindu claims to a disused Muslim mosque on a site believed to have been Lord Rama 's birthplace .
8 The author of this article , a certain ‘ E. G. ‘ , turns out to have been Edmund Gosse .
9 There was a further skirmish between 261 Squadron and 7/JG26 this day during which a Hurricane pilot , believed to have been Sgt. Hyde , claimed a Bf109 shot down and one damaged .
10 Whether he originated the union or not , its inspiration seemed to have been Thomas Moore , a former naval officer who campaigned tirelessly for the rights of seamen , and who became its honorary president .
11 The main area under discussion seems to have been Venezia Giulia and Trieste .
12 Lord Hollick is believed to have been Mr Montgomery 's main backer originally but there were rumours of a rift following the resignation of the Mirror 's political editor , Alastair Campbell , last week , according to the Sunday Times .
13 She has been a deputy Speaker since 1987 , and is understood to have been Mr Kinnock 's choice for Speaker if Labour had won last week 's General Election .
14 Paine 's successor was originally to have been Mr. W.H. Hardie , who had joined the staff in 1934 .
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