Example sentences of "always [vb pp] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Rufus had always heard that nothing can go on in a village without the gossips knowing .
2 Oh that 's not as bad as I thought because I 'd always heard that it was like really really expensive to produce er material in braille .
3 She 'd always heard that his charm was legendary as far as women were concerned and this evening was certainly proving the truth of it .
4 He smiled , that flash of large , white teeth against his dark , slightly oily skin she had always disliked and which now , quite suddenly , turned her stomach queasy .
5 However , Edgar Chance showed that a cuckoo using a meadow pipit 's nest is nearly always attacked while she is laying .
6 ‘ Our sources always reported that they believed Bormann had come here .
7 Greece has always stressed that it had no designs on Macedonian territory and it has succeeded in getting its neighbours to say the same .
8 But er if you had to paper the parlour was always papered in the ceiling but he kitchen was always whitewashed because we had these , if I explain to you these er fireplaces that er were n't very successful burning coal you know and the smoke would rise and before you knew where you were the ceiling was black again so sort of every so often up went the whitewash brush and you 'd whitewash the the ceiling .
9 My father always considered that you were as good as old Granpa Charlie and everyone knows he was the best . ’
10 Arthur said he 'd never had their second message , and the fuss all died down , but he 's always come when we 've sent for him . ’
11 There is an ambivalence in Genet which his critic always misread and his defenders often overlook .
12 Harry Gent , at any rate , always claimed that it arose from the numerous illegal cockfights that were held in the cellar .
13 But Tritsis always claimed that his politics were shaped more by memories of the horrors of the Greek Civil War from 1946 to 1949 .
14 The owner can not have always won because it was stronger : the same two individual butterflies were used in both roles .
15 She had loved the sense of purpose and the freedom and most of the Africans , and she had always supposed that she would stay there all her life , and finally die there , and be buried , like David Livingstone 's wife , under a baobab tree .
16 Not always , not always impressed but he was er
17 I 've always wished that I never came back to this country .
18 The runner , who has always protested that he is innocent , insists that the only reason he did not provide a sample at the 1991 GRE Cup meeting was that he did not have time before he had to go to work .
19 Socialists had of course always argued that there was something fundamentally wrong with capitalist progress ( and for this reason I shall concentrate on their attitudes ) .
20 But there will be no increase for spirits , a move welcomed by the Scottish whisky industry which has always argued that it is unfairly dealt with .
21 Because this is what he always felt after his father died — that if he could just speak to him now , he could really open his heart and say everything , without feeling that strange mute on his vocal chords .
22 It was one of those brilliantly simple ideas people always wish they had had themselves , and believe that somehow they could have had ; no need to incur any extra expense or make any more sizes than anybody else , or necessarily to distinguish one 's product in other way , yet just by the idea one has a potential market of half the jeans-buying public , or at least that proportion of it which has always felt that they are somehow perpetually between the usual sizes .
23 Ever since , she has always felt that she has a tenuous grip upon life .
24 JH : Moving on to another great love of yours , Franz Schubert ; I have always felt that he was in many ways cut short in his prime , almost as thought he was on the verge of finding himself creatively .
25 I 've always felt that he ought to know how I 'm feeling — to realise that I 've got problems too .
26 I mean , I 've always felt that I had better do a helluva lot of acting .
27 I 've always felt that I was raised in the land of melody but I certainly was n't raised in the land of rhythm so I 'm always attracted to good dance music .
28 ‘ Why have I always felt that I knew you before ? ’
29 ‘ I have always felt that it is a crying shame that the works of possibly the greatest writer of all time , William Shakespeare , have — purely for examination purposes — been pushed down the throats of school children .
30 Team manager John Birch ( who shortly afterwards rocked the county by resigning , a few days after signing a new three-year contract ) explained : ‘ I have always felt that it was contrary to the best interests of a professional game to operate with a mainly semi-professional staff .
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