Example sentences of "always [be] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His dominant inclination ( he wrote ) had always been towards philosophy , " and even in my philological studies I have been most attracted by those topics which seemed important for the history of philosophy or for ethical and aesthetic problems " .
2 My position on the Jews has always been without ambiguity .
3 Personally I 've always been into style and clothes though .
4 Dan Graham has always been about geometry , at least in so far as it informs the quasi-architectural environments he makes ( have you yet been delightfully disoriented by the series of glass-walled , open-to-the-sky rooms he has constructed on the roof of the DIA Art Center 's Chelsea outpost ? ) .
5 US hardcore has always been about self-squandering and auto-mutilation .
6 I 'd like to see what hard nosed er B A I E people would make of it you know people who are making a living from doing the same well you know when I employ somebody coming into the business this is what I want them to be able to do um this has always been of course an a criticism
7 But then he has always been on top of the situation .
8 ‘ The engine has always been on schedule , our engineers just started talking about it too soon .
9 When I 've been back home you 've always been at school . ’
10 Although there are particular occupational groups who have always been at risk , such as sewer workers , miners , farm workers and slaughterhouse workers , the working population and residents of the new London Dockland system could also be at risk .
11 Certain trade union leaders have always been at risk in Colombia — a military state thinly disguised as a two-party democracy .
12 He had liked her , respected her , had always been at ease in her company , but he had never thought that he really knew her , and now he never would .
13 The chief reason I 'd always been against abortion was that it seemed like tearing up a bill instead of paying it .
14 ‘ I 've always been around dope .
15 ‘ I have always been by car or taxi before , ’ said Mrs Grandison shortly .
16 the Unionist party … has always been in favour of :
17 Now when interest charges fall , the person who is buying the house benefits from the reduction in interest charges , but the person who is renting a house in local authority and then in this case nobody , nobody else in Harlow to rent it from , is faced with , not with a decreased monthly rental , but with an ever increasing one because as more and more Council houses are sold the cost of maintaining that there , the superstructure of the town , the cost of maintaining Council houses goes on increasing and so the burden is laid on the tenants and the tenant can find , will find himself that pound for pound increasing his rent while the house owner is decreasing his mortgage charges and at the end of the day the tenant is paying increased rent , increased rate and with nothing to show for it , erm , I 've always been in favour of a sale , of , of property er owner occupiers , but not at the expense of the people who can not afford to be owner occupiers , ah , to my mind , the present housing system is designed to maintain the existing class structure because even with the large discounts that one gets and nobody 's ever yet convinced me that why you should get a discount because you buy a Council house , but if you buy one privately owned you ca n't get a discount and it , there 's , this , this is so utter nonsense , but it is throwing a much heavier burden every time a house is sold on the remaining houses which are for rent , and so you that , although the idea is to make it a classless this society with more and more people owning their own properties the mo the mere fact that the majority of people in the town can not afford to buy even the reduced priced Council house , is an example that the , the system , the class system a division by income still exists .
18 I can well believe that he has always been in favour of a social charter in Europe , but he has never before asked us to be in Europe enjoying its disadvantages .
19 The RSPCA has always been in favour of whips being carried for the reasons outlined by Luhnenschloss , but its assistant chief veterinary officer , Alastair Mews , said : ‘ Future decisions can no longer be left to tradition , habit , or hearsay but must be based on good science .
20 It has always been in order for Ministers on the Front Bench to read their answers and it has never been in order for hon. Members to read their questions .
21 a concept which has always been in complicity with a teleological and eschatological metaphysics , in other words , paradoxically , in complicity with that philosophy of presence to which it was believed history could be opposed .
22 However for many academics , particularly in the areas of industrial sociology and industrial relations , the focus on labour flexibility was seen as an excuse by management to blame the workforce for the problems endemic in British manufacturing , Sweeping generalisations about the degree to which the British workforce had accepted changes and become more flexible were found questionable and often dismissed as being exaggerated or as having always been in existence .
23 I have always been in contact with women trade unionists , or Christian communities , or organizations such as ANDES 21 de junio but they were n't specifically women 's organizations .
24 Perhaps I had always been in love with him .
25 So it was only in the nineteenth century when all the loopholes had been stopped up that marriage became in fact what it had always been in theory , indissoluble .
26 That she had always been in control before he had come on to the scene and turned everything upside-down .
27 While she had been a slave to her newly awakened senses , Travis had always been in control .
28 I 've always been in trouble
29 This may be the point to take off and realise a long-planned dream — moving to the country if home has always been in town or vice versa .
30 ‘ I have always been in touch with the female side of my personality ever since I was a kid .
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