Example sentences of "came up and he " in BNC.

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1 No , he was n't , because his head came up and he threw himself back on the ground behind him and he was rolling around in a heap of laughter .
2 As the sun came up and he was able to make out the grassy track along which he had been striding through the night he realised that once again he had missed the verderers , that there were no fresh hoof-marks .
3 Hillary 's lucky number came up and he was one of the two members from the New Zealand team chosen to join an expedition which was to give him his place in the history books .
4 He was bent in the act of locking the car as Maggie came up and he straightened to a considerable height , dark eyes running over her in astonishment .
5 He 's , he 's already come in for one form put it , he 's obviously filled one form in , he came up and he said can I have an application form for that job in the window , so I gave him one and he went , oh well I 've just filled one in .
6 The trouble is I mean if , if it did , it came up and he wanted to sell it would of it would obviously decrease the value .
7 I sort off , parked car there and I came up and he had room to do that
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