Example sentences of "came [adv prt] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 No lights came on where I figured the master bedroom probably was ; that comforted me a bit .
2 In 1974 I was at the National Theatre doing Shakespeare with Sir John Gielgud and whenever there was a play it was in repertory form , so another play came on and I had five days off , so I 'd fly to Toronto , have a three day ‘ loon ’ in Canada and then come back .
3 ‘ Look , ’ the superintendent said , ‘ I only just came on and I ca n't make head nor tail of this .
4 Prentice came on and I said who I was .
5 Yeah , a and in fact in the programme I th the one that Barbara was in , I can remember the er , as it happens , I , I was out er when that programme came on and I taped it so I s I , I 've still got that particular programme , and the lady at the end er on one of her questions she 'd obviously forgotten what she was going to say er and sort of made something up and er she turned to er as they were just panning away from her , she turned to her next door neighbour and more or less said I forgot what I was going to say , you know .
6 for It was no good my making a list before I came down because I just had n't seen anything like this in the Marks in Norwich .
7 See the value of the bike came down , the value of the insurance came down cos I put the value at twelve hundred pounds .
8 Well Laura and Gemma wanted to make these pasties and she 'd asked me at the weekend and I did n't have the time because I think Irene came down cos I asked Irene whether she 'd looked after , you know I 'm at college until three , and she said yeah I 'll pick them up and er I could n't get her out at then so I promised she could make them so , I said alright you and Gemma make them , anyway they did very well they made them in about fifteen minutes because we had to go and get Emily at four from school , I said hurry up , hurry up put the water in Emily quick stick them together shove them now and put them in the oven
9 ‘ He caught me on my right thigh , my left foot came down and I did the splits .
10 I just came down and I walked all through that Kenyan
11 ‘ At the same time , there was one other bit of me that was very practical that realized that the only money to be made if you were to stay in England — and I never thought of going anywhere else — was to get into commercials , and I waited a long time until a script came along that I thought was genuinely funny .
12 ‘ 'E came in when I was turning down 'is bed , ’ she volunteered , curtsying to Rose in fright , somewhat muddled between his ranking and that of the Prince of Wales .
13 And also , if she came in when I had the triplets it meant that erm you know , she was sitting talking to me when I wanted to be playing with them and taking them out and getting on with doing things with them .
14 I was alright when I first came in because I 'm under the doctor under the h hospital at the moment .
15 Now do n't ask me what time he came in because I ca n't be exact .
16 The train came in and I got on .
17 Dad came in and I was struck by how handsome he seemed with his moustache freshly waxed and his hair brushed flat and parted in the middle .
18 One day an elderly lady with a hearing aid came in and I was doing her hair , chatting away and making her laugh , and I cut right through the wire !
19 ‘ I looked everywhere and could n't find anyone and we saw the trucks come here and I saw the lights on and I thought the humans were still here and I came in and I heard your voices and you 've got to come because it 's Dorcas ! ’
20 I went into one house and er you so I came in and I got to about sort of I do n't know , roughly there I think it was and she said , do you have any objection to cats ?
21 Now the funny thing about it , when I took metallurgy I got , I , I got all this process I knew all about it you know , and er I had it the theory explained to me then , but er I was in the Bell one day about twenty years ago and an old boy came in and I started talking to him and he says , I bet you do n't know what I am ?
22 Brenda , I adore it , it 's me all over so the bathroom I had endless trouble , as you know , with Shirley I had to buy stuff and Shirley came in and I gave her little presents of this and that and helped her with cooking meals for her she re-grouted practically my bath tiles and my en suite tiles because we thought water was going through the wall , and it was and then I had to replace the where you take the plug out in the bath , I forget what you call that , the trap
23 I did s bit of dusting and then they came in and I just le
24 It felt it on the first morning when it came in and I sat on it , I thought well I 'm sure it did n't feel like the one we tried in the shop did n't feel like this but
25 And he came in and I said and the mirror on the dressing table is n't done .
26 So these poor people came in and I s it was actually it was an Argosy club night .
27 erm a couple of weeks ago two came in and I said ‘ Oh , I was just going to lock up the screen ’ .
28 ‘ And in case you do n't believe me I would n't still have been covered in snow when I came in if I had ’
29 ‘ I agreed to move in with him just until my divorce came through and I insisted we married immediately after that . ’
30 My posting came through and I was posted to Swordstone this side of Norwich , so I was still quids in , I could get home once a week , twenty four hour pass and then erm after a while erm , having served at Regiment , I was posted up to , as the Sergeant Artillery Clerk with the Brigade , an ack-ack brigade up at Coventry , just outside Coventry and then of course the A T S were coming in , were coming in in quite large numbers then and they were replacing male personnel and then I was posted abroad and I went to Egypt where I was there again , fortunate enough , I suppose , to go into the echelon , the second echelon which was the Records Office of all the forces or the armoured personnel in the Middle East and I worked there until I was actually demobbed from there but I was out in Egypt there for two , just over two years , came back to Northampton where I was finally demobbed and allowed to come home and as I said I came home one week and I was back at work the next .
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