Example sentences of "came [adv] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 This is why his proclamation came eventually to be known as ‘ gospel ’ or ‘ news of salvation ’ ’ ( Meyer 1979:130 ) .
2 This first major work of his ( 1928 ) came swiftly to be recognised as a masterpiece here and abroad and secured for Keeton an early Cambridge LLD .
3 What it came down to was this : if I was going to do anything I was going to have to take on another part-time catering or cleaning job .
4 Because what all the fine talk came down to was hard cash .
5 What it came down to was that Erlich had one last evening as an independent , and that from first light , from waffles and coffee time , he 'd be part of their team and doing their bidding .
6 What it really came down to was self-respect .
7 ‘ I came down to be warmed by the fire . ’
8 gave a lecture and all she came in with was some notes written out on some full scape paper and some papers for the over head projector
9 The next thought came only to be dismissed : like a man crossed in love ?
10 That victory followed on from success in the Dewhurst International in March , where she came through from being a reserve qualifier to reach the semi-finals .
11 It is clear from these examples that and on the one hand and and on the other were not , or came not to be , co-extensive , the former pair being , or becoming , confined to specific grades of medreses , the latter retaining , or developing , a wider geographical significance whose Importance is not altogether clear beyond the fact that it was impossible to get very far in the hierarchy without having taught in the .
12 was to die for us , he said as soon as man came not to be ministered to , but to minister and to give his soul for life , as a ransom in exchange for
13 Indeed Mr Hope , always so ready to help the country of his birth , came over to be with us .
14 In 1949 the Irish Republic came formally into being .
15 In one terrifying episode , Mrs Thatcher and her ministers came close to being collectively murdered in the bombing of the Grand Hotel , Brighton , in October 1984 .
16 An interesting sign of the times was the Ladies ' request in 1937 to have a bar-hatch cut into the lounge , at their expense , but despite Mrs. J. Chalcraft and Miss Lorna Simmons attending a main Committee to put the case , their request was lost 7–3 , although a referendum on the subject came close to being conducted .
17 In any event , the proposal came close to being passed , and failed only because of last year 's legislative jam-up , Helping it along were the customary health-lobbying tactics , such as having Senator Barry Goldwater , still recuperating from a double hip-joint replacement , hobble into a hearing room on crutches to testify on behalf of the proposed institute .
18 When Ojomoh boards that plane on December 31 he steps into a new world , the elite strata of an elite sport — not bad for a lad who never saw a rugby ball until he was 13 , ca n't get a first team game and came close to being escorted to a plane by police .
19 Tom Peters — the top US management guru — cites the example of the US Harley Davidson motorcycle plant , which came close to being put out of business by Japanese competition some eight years ago .
20 Newmarket Magistrates told Youds he came close to being disqualified for a speeding offence which warranted a six unit fine .
21 Knighton suggests that she too came close to being condemned to death , but was spared because of the king 's natural tenderness towards his mother .
22 Terence came close to being stroppy until Mallachy got to his feet and squared his iron jaw , but the incident was enveloped by a late surge to the bar .
23 Maskell came close to being the executioner .
24 Even the weaker version — that the theories simply implied a relationship between low social class and crime — came later to be dismissed as an artefact of class-biased law enforcement ( however , the argument about the relationship between social class and crime is a complex one to which I shall be returning in Part Two ) .
25 As yet the list of lords who were individually summoned to attend had not hardened , so that lay peers ( as they came later to be called ) fluctuated from around fifty to a hundred , and alongside the twenty-one bishops a varying number of abbots and priors — sometimes as many as seventy , occasionally more , often fewer — were invited to attend .
26 While it is true that lay people were involved as well as bishops , they were hardly as yet the necessary representatives of the separate estates which came later to be associated with a wider view of government and representation .
27 Phillips 's machine was the apotheosis of what came later to be known , rather disparagingly , as ‘ hydraulic Keynesianism ’ ( see Coddington , 1983 ) .
28 I 'm hearing things now that I have not heard in fifteen years that I 've been on this County Council and I would suggest erm to Mr that when he 's talking about things that this County Council ought to print , and I think the one suggestion he came up with is very sensible , he could perhaps follow up with a catalogue of those things which he considers need doing that after a hundred years have not been done .
29 Well actually I feel a lot happier if you say that , because can I actually one of the first questions you asked , which I never got a chance to answer , though Terry did , was which what sort of criteria one would use to say that a Prime Minister 's good and erm I was sort of thinking of that as Terry was answering and I think the thing I came up with is you want somebody who represents , or is sensitive to at least , a very wide swathe of views across the population , but also someone who 's intelligent and caring enough to take into account the minority views , and you want somebody who 's aim is to make most of the people happy most of the time , sort of thing , erm but who 's also prepared to take unpopular steps erm if he believes it 's necessary .
30 The script they came up with was trendy and repetitive , rather naive but tuned directly to the youth of the moment .
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