Example sentences of "came [prep] its [det] " in BNC.

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1 The Dobermann really came into its own as a domestic dog in the 1980s and , subsequently , far too many were bred .
2 In these short , sharp engagements , the night viewing sight that Warrior mounts came into its own .
3 It was at this point that the Channel Tunnel at last came into its own .
4 The Powell Duffryn Company came into its own , buying pits up for a few thousand pounds , shutting them down , throwing hundreds out of work .
5 She had discarded it several years ago , as being much fuller than she really liked , but everything came into its own , she reflected , for every article purchased she took pride in finding an eventual use .
6 Now the guides ' training in jungle warfare came into its own .
7 It was then that the art of the ‘ turning flee ’ came into its own .
8 In training , at last , the practical came into its own .
9 Despite many ingenious methods of providing transcendental excitement , the TOM only came into its own in the mid twenty-second century .
10 This was when Anna Essinger 's philosophy of self-help came into its own , not least in transforming the jungle of a garden to provide food for the entire school .
11 LIDBA , the businessmen 's association , are determined that June 14th will not only be a day of entertainment and fun for all the family , it will be remembered as the day pedal power came into its own .
12 The practised assurance of those long years of marriage came into its own .
13 Advertising came into its own with the mass media , and soon ‘ steam radio ’ turned into portable transistors and the old 78s phonographs became radiograms and record players .
14 However with the introduction of french polishing in the second quarter of the nineteenth century , oak came into its own , as elm could not be so treated .
15 The 005 came into its own in North America at the end of the season , but by then Fittipaldi had the championship wrapped up .
16 Now Feuerbach 's critique came into its own within the new movement of theology itself .
17 It was in this late period , between 1380 and 1200 BC , that the cave cult really came into its own , acting as a night-safe for the whole fund of Minoan religious beliefs .
18 Malraux 's Maisons de Culture , which he established up and down the country after becoming de Gaulle 's Minister of Culture in 1959 were actually a Vichyite idea which came into its own when de Gaulle realised that culture could become the faithful servant of Gaullist grandeur .
19 Purged of its comparatively moderate and democratic elements , English Fascism came into its own .
20 High prices led to the severe depletion of wild mink , marten , river otter , and beaver populations , and ranch-bred fur came into its own .
21 Town planning came into its own through a set of totally new factors , when a remarkable social and political consensus flowered briefly to provide authority and legitimation .
22 It was at the 9th hole in the second round of the World Championship of Women 's Golf that this recently acquired touch of caution came into its own .
23 In the period after the Second World War , British political science came into its own .
24 But it was with the coming of sound , in 1929 , that Colman 's Hollywood career really came into its own : the producer Sam Goldwyn was the first to realize the magic of that infinitely poetic , English voice , and put him under a long-term contract which was to last virtually the whole of the rest of his life .
25 Later , at Grosvenor House , the dress really came into its own .
26 The new technique came into its own by treating the infested garments for 72 hours in ten bubbles simultaneously .
27 ( Evidence of the effectiveness of small strikes was seen in the Gulf War where the careful and strategic destruction of the enemies ' forces came into its own . )
28 Thanks to the solution of the problems of atomic weight and valency ( the number of links the atom of an element possesses with other atoms ) , the atomic theory , somewhat neglected after its flowering in the early nineteenth century , came into its own again after 1860 , and simultaneously technology in the shape of the spectroscope ( 1859 ) allowed various new elements to be discovered .
29 faded into the background , and the Linguistics Department came into its own .
30 The Order , when he came across its several agents down by the waterside , was civil for no doubt the same reasons .
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