Example sentences of "came [prep] [pers pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The plane bumped to a halt , the engine coughed and died , and two figures in leather flying helmets swung out of the open cockpit and came towards them arm in arm .
2 Ian came with us part of the way , so we took two cars and left ours at the finishing point and Ian 's at the entrance to the track .
3 He came to me time after time , as useless as a surcharged phonograph — drunk on Byron , Shelley , or Keats .
4 Even so it would be nice to have an indication on the screen that this command prompt came to you courtesy of Windows .
5 But I left in a hurry because the piglets ' mother did n't approve of a stranger wandering among her brood and she came at me open-mouthed , barking explosively .
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