Example sentences of "came [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 All these questions came tumbling out the moment she entered my room a couple of days later .
2 After the cab had departed he 'd returned to the body search ; a couple of rough-looking kids came sneaking up the alley for purposes unknown , but a long , low growl from the shadows sent them running .
3 The familiar whisky-edged voice came bellowing down the line , and she grinned fondly .
4 He and Mrs Taylor came tearing down the yard to see what was up .
5 In Whitehall , three words came to sum up the appointments policy .
6 No wonder , then , that when he came to write up the experience in Surprised by Joy he should have been so insistent that his father 's last illness and death ‘ does not really come into the story I am telling ’ .
7 These notes were invaluable when I came to write up the results of the study .
8 Twice , when Meredith ordered ‘ Two steps stage left ’ and Geoffrey moved to the right , Meredith came bounding down the centre aisle shouting ‘ Left , left , ducky ’ and leapt onto the apron to seize him by the shoulders and shove him into place .
9 Straw — came rocketing down the line .
10 A couple more members of the gang came scrambling down the companionway ladder .
11 The four men looked up as he came scrambling down the steep bank .
12 Kalchu came rushing up the notched-pole ladder .
13 The firemen who came to put out the fire had a narrow escape when the roof fell in as they were working inside the building .
14 At 12.45pm , a profusely apologetic Mrs Yeltsin arrived in a black Daimler car as Mrs Major came scurrying up the hotel steps to meet her .
15 Neil Pascoe says he 's always wanted to cycle from John 0 Groats to Lands End and then the idea came to run up the three peaks and swim the lakes and try to raise money for charity …
16 We were just watching 4 What It 's Worth about all those people who go on holiday to the sunny Mediterranean , having booked a sea view , and come back with gastroenteritis from living over the dustbins and now want their money back , when Elinor came running up the garden path closely followed by Nigel .
17 I made 400 before great arcing beams of light snaked out above the eastern-bounding ridges of the valley and I had to stop as blocks and slates came hurtling down the softening snow .
18 Connon came trotting up the pavement towards her .
19 Sometimes even in fights , throwing stones and other things against the security forces who came to break up the picket lines or arrest the trade union leaders .
20 Then , as the players came thundering down the boards , she joined the stampede , trying to steal the ball and nearly bringing down the pony of a fat child with pigtails , whose mother promptly started yelling at Daisy .
21 ‘ Bounced out as soon as she heard me call you and came scrabbling up the slope .
22 As a result , people in these institutions quickly came to take on the roles and goals which these institutions required for their survival .
23 More generally , any laissez faire connection helps very little in understanding how Darwin came to take up the problems his theorizing was to solve .
24 When Jarvis came to take over the house , although a good many people had been inside it and others had lived in it , the chair and the stool were still in the bellringer 's room .
25 Nevertheless , working class women could still filter out useful information from a visit to a School for Mothers , and as the local authorities increasingly came to take over the Schools and Babies ' Welcomes and turn them into infant welfare centres , so they became more acceptable to working class women .
26 At the same time , in some towns at least , bishops came to take over the duties of such late Roman officers as the defensores , who had been expected to defend the weak .
27 As they walked round to the back door , Ben , Simon 's dog , came lolloping up the beach , charged at Marie with a stick in his mouth and laid it down carefully at her feet .
28 ‘ Madame ! ’ she called , and Miranda quickly bundled up her clothes and streaked across the landing , as the proprietress came heaving up the curving stair , the rail quaking in her grasp .
29 As they reached the corner of Woodbine Close , Dudley Ford emerged from his front door and came striding down the garden path with Sinbad snuffling at his heels .
30 The last child — and the oldest — was always Flora Bouverie , who came trailing down the bus steps burdened with splitting carrier bags and fragile , half-made artefacts , peering about her blindly for her mother .
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