Example sentences of "where [pron] will [be] " in BNC.

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1 In The Possessed , the conspirators have enticed their victim to a dark remote spot where nothing will be seen or heard , and have done the deed and tied two heavy stones to the body so that it is sure to sink , and have carried it to a pond and thrown it in : then , ‘ With extraordinary carelessness ’ they overlook that cap which has no doubt fallen off in the struggle , and which the police will soon find .
2 Where nothing will be flushed .
3 Where I 'll be is right here in Liskeard , for the most part seated at this very desk . ’
4 ( In the far distance are the snow-capped peaks of the Bolivian Cordillera Real where I will be heading soon . )
5 I will be keeping you up-to-date on Singer events and also ‘ manning ’ an information desk at all the main knitting exhibitions , where I will be able to help and advise you .
6 ‘ Is — is that where I will be ? ’
7 They are facing formidable opposition in the shape of last year 's winner , Rosa Mota , who sees London as a warm-up for the Olympics , where she 'll be defending her title and looking to put the disappointment of the World Championships in Tokyo last year behind her .
8 She is due to fly to London today , where she will be met by her children Dominic , 22 , Tammy , 19 , and Cathy , nine , of Chichester , Hants .
9 She will get the magnificent Kensington Palace home , where she will be free to entertain whoever she wishes in royal splendour .
10 She is on her way to the art gallery that she runs , where she will be presiding over a private viewing later in the day .
11 ‘ … where she will be able to see Harry all the time , " she corrected herself .
12 For the present , then , the vital need is to do everything possible to secure a safe retirement of XH558 , where she will be cared for as well as she has been since becoming the VDF display aircraft .
13 The Blaiken has a welcoming bar and a separate dining room for house guests and it is the only place Scheffau where you 'll be able to get real English tea !
14 I always get on very well with English prisoners of the R. A. F. I worked for some time at the prison camp where you 'll be going tomorrow , and there I made many good English friends , especially — . ’
15 It may be a boundary drawn for the toddler 's safety ( ‘ You are not to go out of the front gate ’ ) ; it may be to do with the teenager 's wellbeing ( ‘ You do an hour 's homework ’ or ‘ You have to tell me who you 're out with and where you 'll be ’ ) .
16 You may as well sleep under a hedge or in a doorway , and get arrested for being a vagrant , and get put in jail where you 'll be treated like muck but at any rate it 'll be warm and you 'll be made to have a bath .
17 For your chance to win , take the ‘ corner ’ to the Schwartz stand , where you 'll be able to taste and buy the Schwartz Seasonings featured in our recipes as well as other new ranges and Authentic Mix Cook-in sauces .
18 There is no better way of buying cheese than from a specialist cheese shop , where you will be encouraged to taste before buying and the retailer will be knowledgeable , friendly and , above all , enthusiastic about his stock .
19 Leave a page next to this one in your diary where you will be able to record the contents of your cupboard at the end of your diet when all your goals have been reached .
20 There is a lively bar where you will be served a welcome drink , and the hospitable staff will be sure to give you a warm welcome .
21 Other public rooms include a reception area , lounge , dining room , TV lounge and a bar where you will be offered a welcome cocktail .
22 There is a lounge , a rustic style bar , a sauna ( local charge ) and a welcoming dining room where you will be served with a buffet breakfast and a three course dinner with a choice of main course .
23 The Rose is an attractive , traditional style Tyrolean gasthof where you will be made very welcome by Simon and Anneliese Kroll .
24 Entering such a store is to enter an intriguing musty lair containing rows of cheap clothes in either blue or olive green , and where you will be greeted by a stab in the eye with an ice-axe that has hung behind the door since the 60s .
25 If you only have a very limited amount of clerical back-up at least see that this is devoted to taking away the paper and putting it where you will be able to find it again if necessary .
26 Knowing , for example , where you will be sitting , or standing , the lay out of the audience and whether you will have a microphone all help in giving you confidence that you are fully prepared .
27 Go to an event where you will be ‘ forced ’ to join in ( ie a barn dance with a persuasive caller , an evening at a bowling alley , a table-tennis competition ) .
28 Throughout the book I have extolled the virtues of the post office , mainly because , even in the most rural areas you are likely to have a sub post office , where you will be able to deposit and withdraw money all week and on Saturday mornings as well .
29 During those hazy summer evenings The Roundels Restaurant offers , by prior arrangement , a charming setting for a gourmet meal , where you will be able to relax and enjoy the fine flavour of Kent .
30 Winsor & and ; Newton will be creating six ‘ mini studios ’ , each one dedicated to a different medium , where you will be able to sit down for 20 minutes and try out the materials whilst getting expert tuition in a small group .
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