Example sentences of "right for [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She phoned Meg again and told her she was so silly , she 'd made a muddle with the dates of two concerts , and it would be perfectly all right for them to come tonight but only if Meg was absolutely sure it would n't be too much trouble , it was so sweet of her …
2 He said his name was Pearson , he was from coypu control and would it be all right for him to take a look round the lake ?
3 Yet some form of coercion or compulsion still resulted from what he considered it right for him to do in certain circumstances .
4 ‘ I read some of the things Jack said about me , and although it is n't exactly something I re-read every night , I suppose I must have been doing something right for him to make these kind comments .
5 If the Minister is not prepared to shoulder the burden on behalf of the British taxpayer , is the time not right for him to work with the European Community in establishing a Europewide diversification initiative ?
6 ‘ And , as he said in his letter , it was all right for him to rough it a little while he was on his own , but he has Elise to think of now . ’
7 ‘ Is it all right for me to sit here ? ’ she asked .
8 I put it back in the trunk , disappointed that there was nothing right for me to wear and wondering what I was going to do , for I wanted to go out with Sally .
9 ‘ No member of the staff was permitted to leave the building unless he had telephoned Chapman 's office at six o'clock and enquired : ‘ Is it all right for me to go now , Mr Chapman ? ’
10 ‘ That 's why the attendant said he supposed it would be all right for me to go in , ’ said Rachel .
11 Miss said it was all right for me to say my own prayer .
12 We are Muslims and my husband is my cousin , so from the point of view of tradition it is all right for me to marry him .
13 She wondered if it was all right for her to go on thinking about Baby .
14 Not to live in fascist Italy ( it was still all right for her to spend a month or two , with her British passport , with her mother and me and carry messages over the border for the underground ) .
15 It would be all right for her to talk to Nicholas then , it would look natural , no one could read anything into it .
16 Why , Eileen wondered , is it all right for her to say that about her husband 's mother , and wrong for me to tell the truth about Mrs Arbuthnot ?
17 ‘ You 've checked it 's all right for us to go ? ’ said his Mum to his Dad as he carne into the waiting-room .
18 She refused to budge until she 'd got one or two matters in order , and , ignoring the fact that he looked ready to go and hunt up her bag himself if she did n't soon move herself , ‘ Is it all right for you to invite me to Mr and Mrs Hepwood 's home ? ’ she asked for starters , and braved his acid glance that said he 'd hardly be likely to issue an invitation if it was n't .
19 ‘ It 's all right for you to criticise , is n't it .
20 ‘ That 's all right for you to say , since you 've always worked in passionless chemical engineering . ’
21 ‘ Is it all right for you to say sixty-fifth floor ? ’
22 It is quite all right for you to get up and go along to the bathroom , but you should put on your stockings and your knickers .
23 John would have heard enough of you on the phone to be convinced that it was a erm right for you to have a chat with , could
24 Or is it all right for you to keep your own kids , but the likes of us , ordinary people , who 've got to give up — ’
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