Example sentences of "quite [adv] for a " in BNC.

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1 Quite enough for a man only five feet , five and a half inches tall .
2 Standard size is 16 x 25 x 39in , which is 40 x 63 x100cm , quite enough for a largish kite , and costing only a few pennies .
3 That would do quite nicely for a start .
4 This is a cave very accommodating for beginners in speleology and indeed for ordinary walkers with no such aspirations who , aided only by a torch , can penetrate quite easily for a hundred yards without meeting any difficulty .
5 Hawarde thus had to pay out quite largely for a service that he had never requested .
6 And now he was talking about mistletoe , and she did n't have to be very sophisticated or experienced to realise that he was angling quite unsubtly for a chance to kiss her .
7 A Soviet tank may not be comfortable to ride in compared with a NATO tank , but it is reliable , easy to repair , and built quite deliberately for a particular kind of terrain , support system and warfare .
8 It looked massive and majestic in the evening light and Tug stood quite still for a second , imagining the wind blowing across its top .
9 He stood quite still for a moment .
10 Gordon sat quite still for a few seconds , then uncrossed his legs and went out of the room , a room in his own house , or rather his mother 's .
11 Tony sat quite still for a few moments and then parked his car on the wasteland at the side of the theatre .
12 ‘ It 's probably dependent on a whole host of things , ’ he says , quite unconvincingly for a change .
13 It did quite well for a time . ’
14 Most of us have dieted at some time in our lives , and have been able to stick to the new regime quite rigidly for a little while .
15 Much to his surprise she chatted to him quite amicably for a change .
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