Example sentences of "things they do not " in BNC.

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1 Consequently there are several things they do not know .
2 We see it in the newspapers and we see it among politicians particularly , who say things they really do not mean , or things they do not even understand … .
3 Since no child has no things they do not especially like , what parents really mean is that they ( the parents ) can not think of anything .
4 Advertising changes society ; makes people buy things they do not want ; enables multinational capitalistic monopolies to batten on the working classes .
5 Many people can talk about their life but experience a total block about how to change things they do n't like .
6 Newspaper technology is so sophisticated we can even make politicians say things they do n't know they 're saying .
7 Why ca n't people accept things for what they are rather than going all out to destroy the things they do n't agree with ?
8 These are things they do n't do at school today do they ?
9 People have been known to say things they do n't mean when they 're angry — you of all people should know by now that I 'm no exception to that rule . ’
10 I do all the work , and sometimes I even do things they do n't tell me to do . ’
11 There are plenty of things they do n't tell us about .
12 ‘ I know the kind of expression you have when you 're getting people to do things they do n't want to do .
13 I think , well , I think do everything as early as you possibly can , as long as the kid understands what they 're doing , it 's no good getting them to do things they do n't understand , if they understand negative numbers do it
14 ‘ Sometimes people do things they do n't mean .
15 the person that has to implement these things they do n't and I said
16 people and telling them all these things about things they do n't really know much about like drugs they take in what
17 The human members of the community are here mainly because out in the commercial world , they had been doing things they did not want to do , using skills they wished they did not have .
18 The CVR , besides contributing to the fund of knowledge about the flight , has provided the investigators with an insight into the way the flight crew were thinking and interpreting the indications of the progress of the flight by means of the things they said to each other , and sometimes the things they did not say .
19 Poorly trained managers who found themselves faced with new , rapidly changing technologies developed technophobia out of fear of things they did not understand .
20 Erm but one of the things they did not like is for erm to have a sales consultant on the medical practice for three weeks using their
21 If there is time , students should now be encouraged to go back to some of the more difficult Tape Units dealing with connected speech ( say from Tape Unit 12 onwards , missing out Tape Unit 15 ) ; they will probably discover a lot of things they did not notice before .
22 There are times when mistakes are made in school and things go wrong : children blamed for things they did n't do , events may be cancelled at short notice , cardigans and coats lost or , even worse , end up in the toilet bowl .
23 He even bullied the women who came into his shop , selling them things they did n't really want to buy and refusing to stock things that they did .
24 And we would not be asking the parents to say things they did n't believe or make promises that they had no intention of fulfilling .
25 The majority of people that went through that service all had some recollection of things they did n't enjoy very much but they by and large thoroughly enjoyed their experience in the Army , it livened them up , it made them better men and we have got after all one of the best armies if not the best army in the world , it 's got to come from
26 they 'll get into the , they 'll get into that garage right , so they look and see things they did n't know that they can make money on
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