Example sentences of "social [noun] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 What has happened , he suggests , is that capitalism 's tendency to colonise and penetrate segments of social existence has led to the commercialisation and commodification of sexuality , particularly via the shift from production to consumption .
2 Because most people 's range of social experience has become quite limited by the time they have attained adulthood , such observations are nearly always selective and may be hard to interpret or simply misleading .
3 Social attitudes have changed towards women , organisations need to appear progressive and support equal opportunities , eg women 's economic power .
4 No word was given , however , on how the Government 's social policies had worsened the plight of the poorest families already suffering under the economic consequences of Conservative rule .
5 Indeed , the single most important social change to have occurred in the countryside in recent years has concerned the changing social and occupational composition of its population .
6 The role of community education in the process of social change has aroused a great deal of discussion and action by socially committed adult educators over the last two decades .
7 A workshop on Student Media for Social Change has motivated students from Indonesia and other parts of Asia to play a more active role in pressing for human rights and democracy in their countries .
8 As rapid economic and social change has worked its way through the countryside , however , the farm worker has found himself increasingly separated from the local village community both socially and — for those living out on the farms — geographically .
9 Accelerating economic and social change has left parts of the country hit hard by recession while elsewhere new patterns of prosperity are starting to emerge .
10 Of the many factors that contribute to health and wellbeing , the role of social support has come to the fore recently as critical in understanding the relationships between peopleealth and social and material circumstances in which they live .
11 Moderator I reported to the general assembly last year that the Board of Social Responsibility had planned a deficit on its operation of thirty eight eventide homes amounting to a little over two million pounds .
12 All social progress has caused pain to some but liberated others .
13 Changing social values have increased the numbers of homosexual or unmarried households .
14 In Britain , by contrast , prevailing social values have conditioned the educational system to inculcate the belief that manufacturing is an inferior form of economic activity .
15 The relationship of the nuclear family to wider social forms has troubled the historian for a long time .
16 Together they number some 500 , though the social club has had to call a halt on membership at 2,000 and has a turnover of £2 ½ million .
17 Together they number some 500 , though the social club has had to call a halt on membership at 2,000 and has a turnover of £2 ½ million .
18 Access problems are also emerging at Heptonstall Quarry where the bowling and social club have complained about climbers using their car park .
19 The elevation of environmental concerns in the social consciousness has raised the profile of environmental protection and has led to international agreements specifically concerned with the environment , such as the Montreal protocol on the ozone layer .
20 Her social questionnaires have delved into the motivations of those individuals involved with the subject , and she has tried to discover their opinions , social status , and political and religious affiliations .
21 There social science and social research had become an established and thriving part of the academic community from the beginning of this century .
22 The National Institute of Economic and Social Research has stated that , in the longer term — I am giving the hon. Member for Derby , North ( Mr. Knight ) his answer .
23 As Ian Jones at the National Institute for Economic and Social Research has pointed out , benefits in the first year of operation are lower than the figures for net effective cost imply .
24 Recent social research has dismissed such speculation .
25 Variable analysis is the closest that social research has come to a generic method of social investigation .
26 Writing in 1783 , long before social anthropology had assumed any coherent shape or even possessed a name , the eighteenth-century French social philosopher , J. J. Rousseau proclaimed our guiding assumption : ‘ One needs to look near at hand if one wants to study men : but to study man one must learn to look from afar : one must first observe differences in order to discover attributes . ’
27 As noted in chapter 4 , social anthropology has tended to privilege society and social structure as prior phenomena which posses a certain profound reality , and in this tradition patterns located in objects might be held to reflect back to some social division or model from which they derive their source and significance .
28 Er I I 'm most er grateful to my honourable friend for giving yet another example of how the social chapter has exported jobs out of the eleven into Britain .
29 A white-collar job , owning a home or indulging in particular leisure pursuits may cause a person to identify himself as ‘ middle class ’ ; others may consider anyone who ‘ works , to be ‘ working class ’ ; others may preserve a sense of being ‘ working class ’ because of their family background , though their own social circumstances have changed .
30 Social circumstances have changed since 1975 , but it is probably still true that many women are out of the employment market in their 20s and early 30s due to family commitments so that if the facts happened again , the result may well be the same .
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