Example sentences of "most [prep] [Wh det] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Most of what 's most interesting in life goes on below the belt . ’
2 Most of what is now visible internally is important historically but would be covered or damaged if the building were to be reconstructed as a modern pastiche within an original veneer .
3 Most of what is known about acute aluminium poisoning comes from studying patients treated for kidney failure by dialysis .
4 If its editors can elicit combative prose from a wider range of directors , future editions could yet provide an antidote to the star-struck hype that makes up most of what is written about the movies .
5 Most of what is known about Leapor derives from a letter by her friend and mentor , Bridget Freemantle , to a gentleman in London , probably John Duncombe though possibly John Blencowe .
6 Most of what is on display here seems … well , rather over-fleshed and tired .
7 Most of what is unusual about man can be summed up in one word : ‘ culture ’ .
8 Personal investigation suggests that few public library authorities spend more than 15% of their bookfunds on stock revision , while many spend a good deal less — and most of what is spent goes on fiction , where revision is a relatively straightforward process .
9 Ninety-five million years ago , sea covered most of what is now Europe and , for thirty million years , while the earth experienced great calm , the microscopic calcareous material secreted by unicellular planktonic algae built up a lime-mud on the sea-floor .
10 Most of what is known about him is derived from a Life by Izaak Walton published in 1670 .
11 Their two boys of three and five would be eating Jaffa cakes for breakfast , lunch and supper if their parents did n't insist that they eat up most of what is put in front of them .
12 But it is probably good advice to plan this sort of book every bit as much as the writer of the puzzle detective story will have had to work out the plot and most of what is necessary to sustain that plot .
13 The peoples of these republics are overwhelmingly Muslim ( mostly Sunni ) by religion , and their traditional customs and values , with which their religion is inextricably bound up , have been altered relatively little by the experience of Russian and Soviet rule , which has in fact lasted for no more than a century or so ( most of what is now Soviet Central Asia came under Russian control in the second half of the nineteenth century ) .
14 Though many polar invertebrate species appear to be endemic , very little is known of their biology : the liveliest , most prominent and most numerous elements are the arthropods , and these have provided most of what is known on adaptations and ways of life in terrestrial and freshwater environments .
15 Most of what is commonly called electronic spectroscopy is concerned with transfer of electrons between valence shell molecular orbitals .
16 Most of what is being done by my Department
17 Most of what is known about social development is based on the study of encounters between a child and one other person , yet much of a child 's life takes place in groups of more than two persons — within the family , the neighbourhood peer groups , the pre-school group , and so on .
18 The main difficulty with the HCF approach , however interpreted , is that it tends to jettison most of what is distinctive of religion .
19 I think I have read most of what was written by or about him in English between the seventeenth century and , say , 1975 .
20 Unlike most of what was on the menu , two wines were actually available , a semi-sweet white and a semi-sweet red .
21 However , there seemed to be nothing against lending equipment to non-military personnel , and we got most of what was wanted .
22 When a general election took place , the limited amount of disposable patronage was stretched very thinly , and in Scotland most of what was available would be swallowed by the burgh politicians , where a crucial vote or two might carry the election of a delegate without alienating others .
23 But Lombroso laid down the foundations of most of what was to follow in genetic theories of crime .
24 If most of what was sometimes called ‘ the payroll vote ’ attended , the critics would have to carry seven-tenths of the backbenchers and if this had ever happened , the press would have treated it as a total collapse of confidence in the government .
25 It is interesting to note that legislation was required , because , as said above , mid-nineteenth-century reformers thought that most of what was needed could be achieved by formalising the relationship by means of a lease .
26 The pottery was shut , the bookshop was shut , the dales countryside museum was shut and most of what was open was empty .
27 Because the way that I erm , I 've been working on this procedure and in fact I sense this too , and I have most of what was currently there for research project , project related sub-contracting , in other words sub-contracting with B P or if necessary , which I felt that more or less covered and what it was n't covering was when a Marie type situation on software , where I was going to put a different section , which is where the report , when it 's on research project related company facts , then I pay for the software .
28 With the straits we get a fair amount of mail each year , most of which is easily categorized .
29 The EC imports 4.5 to 5m tonnes of maize gluten annually , most of which is used by Dutch and German traders .
30 The message is apparently contained in a 220-page apostolic exhortation to the clergy , most of which is uncontentious : priests must be ascetic and chaste as well as celibate , taking a keen and benevolent interest in the poor and in sinners , who are the poor in spirit .
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