Example sentences of "when [pers pn] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Another amusing incident to come out of ‘ Space Oddity ’ was when I got a phone call from David one day , who said he had to record an Italian version of the song because two kids in Italy had apparently done a cover version of it and as it looked as if it was going to do quite well , the Italian record company wanted a version by the original artist and said they would send someone along to teach Bowie phonetically how to sing the song .
2 I was just packing up my medical papers when I got a call to Ward 16 , now also a reception ward .
3 That is when I got a real bee in my bonnet about British restaurants .
4 I had n't been back longer than ten minutes when I got a sledgehammer through my street door .
5 ‘ The first I learned of either the debt or the judgement was when I got a letter about it this week .
6 There are times when you can feel successful when you 've done virtually nothing — I remember when I became a radio actor , and I was pushing my motor bike , which had run out of petrol , up the main street in Cardiff , and I felt that I was a great star , and was very pleased with myself .
7 It started on a Friday night in November when I felt a bit odd , so I took a paracetamol and went to bed with a hot-water bottle .
8 I had gone perhaps fifty yards when I felt a bullet sing past my ear and heard the crack of a rifle-shot behind me .
9 I was recently down at my local stationers looking for the projector pens when I spotted a pack of ‘ Berol Washable Juniors ’ .
10 Some days when I attend a day meeting I can start at 5am and finish at 9pm including travel .
11 ‘ That 's when I thought a little research might be in order .
12 Sometimes , when I made a move towards the cottage door , as if to leave on some errand , he called me back .
13 The bastard knew when I took a drink .
14 For example , I had the privilege of visiting Australia last week , when I met a good friend of the hon. Member for Newham , North-East .
15 You know when I , when I change a nappy ?
16 Still , sometimes when I saw a camera lifted to a scene I would like to have shared back home , I felt a twinge of loss and was suddenly conscious of my idle hands , like someone who has recently given up smoking .
17 I was about to take off my load and leave the heap of pine-needles for someone else to find in the morning when I saw a figure approaching in the distance .
18 One day , minding my own business as usual , I was walking down a busy main road in the afternoon when I saw a helmeted security guard standing outside a doorway .
19 Then I 'ad to get a job ; that 's when I saw a notice in a shop window about a Brixton fam'ly wantin' a maid , so I went after it .
20 ‘ The idea came to me during September 1991 when I saw a pile of waste paper being loaded into a contractor 's vehicle at the back of 36 St Andrew Square .
21 It was only when I saw a magazine produced by his students ' class that I relaxed .
22 I sat there imagining all the pretty clothes I would have when I married a rich husband , but then Mary appeared with the assistant .
23 I ate three small carrots and was half-way through a can of sardines when I noticed a sea shell in the sand almost beneath me .
24 On January 10th this year , I went as usual to turn on the aquarium lights when I noticed a female Shanny — now a light beige colour with a very bright green patch on the top of her head — inside the male 's cave , laying eggs on the underside of a flat rock , next to the existing eggs .
25 ‘ Needless to say , there were plenty of takers when I offered a small wager — but a few worried expressions when I scored five in the first seven games !
26 I knelt at once to pray and prayed most dutifully till morning when I expected a letter telling me Oreste had been taken .
27 I can recall an incident early one September when I had a net carried away on to a hedge .
28 One of those days was last Friday , when I had a terrible time going to lunch with Herman to meet Ivy .
29 She came as night-nurse on the second of May when I had a bad attack of sciatica and left on the fourteenth of June .
30 I was anxious to settle the terms of the contract with M. Chaillot and , because I wanted to avoid being cornered by him in Passy , I suggested to Jean-Claude that he make an appointment for me to see him at the radio , mid-morning , on a date when I had a luncheon appointment .
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