Example sentences of "children who [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The incidence may be higher in uncircumcised children before the age of 8 , although morbidity due to balanoposthitis may be offset at least partly by penile problems in children who are circumcised .
2 This process is complicated by the differences in salary , qualification and experience which exist between field social workers who hold legal responsibility for such children and their residential colleagues who provide care for those children who are placed in children 's homes .
3 If we hypothesise that most children who are abused by men , it does not indicate that all men are abusers , neither does the notion hold water that 77 per cent of sexual abuse within foster and residential care is committed by males .
4 Here we are we have children who are paralysed , who have been looking after themselves while others have died .
5 It is understood the investigation will focus on alleged breaches of education and race relations laws in the region 's assessment of children who are believed to have learning difficulties and whose first language is not English .
6 It is understood the investigation will focus on alleged breaches of education and race relations laws in the region 's assessment of children who are believed to have learning difficulties and whose first language is not English .
7 I am even more interested these days , not because of my children who are grown up , but because I am interested in special education .
8 It 's the same as that place in Australia where they have n't seen rain for seventeen years , I mean there 's children who are grown up now at college have never seen a spot of rain , I 'd hate that I 'd rather have our , sometimes dismal climate .
9 Many of the children who are tested are only six .
10 We do n't get many here , because they 're mostly children who are affected .
11 Children who are rated as most aggressive by their classmates are those who view ( unsupervised ) the most violent TV programmes .
12 It is salutary to remember that children who are rated as most aggressive by their classmates are those who view ( unsupervised ) the most violent TV programmes .
13 The task is anything but easy , particulary for the young children who are involved .
14 There are almost bound to be some children who are withdrawn from the school because of parental dissatisfaction .
15 Roughly half the children who are adopted feel an urgent need to discover their origins .
16 Many children who are born to their parents have fantasies about being adopted , about being changelings .
17 The thousands of children who are born every year , we do n't even know in this country how many there are , because the figures the ca n't be kept , er er and these tend to be children erm born of er , anonymous donors and and I think that as a society we are wreaking such problems for the future , we 're creating secrets for families , and I would really like to hear from my fellow women here about that .
18 The more children who are born by choice and not by chance , the better , as we said in August of last year when working our our programme .
19 Psychiatric research has found that children who are deprived of physical demonstrations of love are far more likely to manifest behaviour problems and to grow into emotionally unbalanced adults , unable themselves to give or receive any kind of love or warmth .
20 There is a great variety of schemes and great variation in the degree to which schools are fully comprehensive : if some schools in an area take the children who are thought to have greater academic ability , the remaining schools , even if called comprehensive , can not be considered fully so .
21 Ethnic-minority children who are thought by their teachers to be having difficulties at school are being assessed with tests which are thought to be fundamentally flawed .
22 Arrangements for returning the child should be included in the written agreement which must be made in respect of all children who are looked after by local authorities ( see Chapter 16 , 4 ) .
23 with er children who are brought up with both languages .
24 Children who are committed by the courts to the care of the local authority can not , of course , be taken home by their parents whenever they wish .
25 When I use it I ensure that I have some " special " roles " up my sleeve " as it were , so that the children who are approached last are allocated roles which , at least potentially , are the most important .
26 One is that the children who are caught have to go again until they manage to sit down before being touched .
27 Children who are caught up in crime are getting a lot of media attention lately .
28 CHILDREN who are smacked or beaten are more likely to become troublesome adolescents or to have a criminal record before they are 20 , new research shows .
29 Children who are described as mildly mentally handicapped are often upset to hear themselves described as such , and such terms as ‘ children with learning difficulties ’ are now in vogue .
30 That cost is increasing because of the number of children who are abandoned at Heathrow .
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