Example sentences of "went on for [det] " in BNC.

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1 Though modern readers might wish to repay Mr Ruskin 's ‘ hard work ’ recorded in a 1854 entry , with hard labour , the practice of dismembering books went on for many centuries .
2 The inquest went on for many days and it had all the appearances of the public inquiry that was to follow .
3 ( She went on for another seven ! ) .
4 I think , if we went on for another half an hour or forty five minutes , we could clear virtually everything .
5 This went on for some time , but when it was finished , the daughter started crying again , this time tears of remorse , grieving for the mother who had died , and grieving for the relationship that she had never had .
6 This movement , which went on for some time , gave Franca ( and Ludens agreed with her later ) the sense that Marcus was actually creating Patrick .
7 They went on for some way in silence .
8 This went on for some time , until the dog 's master came to the door .
9 Then began a remarkable conversation which went on for some time ; it was getting on for five when she left .
10 It was a quite hard movement , dragging the flesh this way and that , and it went on for some time , perhaps ten minutes .
11 The lame recital went on for some time , while Jerome , piteously small and shrunken and wretched , kneeled in Rhun 's supple , generous arm , with that radiant , silent face beside him , to point searing differences .
12 This pantomime went on for some time and , inevitably , the emotional strain brought on a resurgence of his symptoms .
13 Ernie , who was employed by him , would go up on a Sun day to feed his stock and unbeknown to Dick Gooding would bring the old mule back with him , hitch him to the hand cart and pull it over to Birling Bank , this went on for some time and poor old Dick knew nothing of these goings on .
14 It sounded vaguely political , chiefly because it went on for some while .
15 This went on for some time , with Dr Neil fencing politely , Matey looking grim , and Norton sighing in counterpoint to la Darrell .
16 After these exchanges , fighting in Kurdestan went on for some considerable time .
17 This went on for some time .
18 The thing went on for half an hour at least .
19 These went on for several hours , rattling doors and windows almost continuously .
20 Family Day at OBEX was the highlight of the year , and preparations went on for several weeks in advance .
21 A routine was established which went on for more than a year .
22 A demand for the ‘ noblest ’ architecture inevitably meant that Nonconformity was caught up in the debates over the value of Gothic architecture which went on for most of the Victorian period .
23 Last week Daph kept up an argument with herself that went on for most of the day .
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