Example sentences of "went [adv] [prep] its " in BNC.

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1 My Lord Mayor , the Local Management of Schools scheme er was reviewed first in the light of consultation which went on during its first full year of operation .
2 The lift went down of its own accord .
3 Oh , heavens , she thought as her cup went down on its saucer with a clink .
4 The wire went in to its full length .
5 With lavish indiscretion the stream was at one point crossed by the baby bridge and , fifty yards further , went underground on its way to feed the sliver of still water called " The Lake " .
6 He made her wait for an answer as he topped the teapot up with hot water and Ruth 's imagination went off on its own .
7 And Mum Knows Best , so when the Pig went off with its Tart , she told Jan never mind , dear , there 's always people making a mess somewhere , you can always clean it up .
8 The first Not the Nine O' Clock News series had a sketch about Python worshippers but that team , while itself worshipping Python , went out of its way not to be derivative , eschewing silly voices , dressing in drag and what they later realised to be a misogynist trait in Python .
9 DESPITE its cost-cutting and job reduction programmes , British Petroleum went out of its way yesterday to keep shareholders happy at the group 's annual meeting .
10 While the Council was in general described as having a ‘ pastoral ’ rather than a ‘ dogmatic ’ purpose , it went out of its way to name two of its principal documents ‘ Dogmatic Constitutions ’ .
11 It is , of course , important to remind ourselves that the Council went out of its way , for instance , to reiterate that it was in no way contradicting Vatican I and instances of contradiction should not be lightly proposed .
12 The impact of the Schlunk decision on actual practice may well turn out to be quite limited , for the Court went out of its way to spell out the advantages of using the machinery of the Convention :
13 As we have seen , the Pauline Church of Rome found Jesus 's brother James something of an embarrassment , and went out of its way , whenever possible , to circumvent him and his role .
14 But to Paula 's triumphant delight the suit was snapped up the moment it went back onto its hanger — a solicitor 's wife who had stopped for a coffee had fallen in love with it , even if the skirt did have to be taken up four full inches to make it fit her less-than-willow tall frame .
15 Does this mean that in the B. & Q. judgment the court abandoned the criterion of proportionality and thus went back on its earlier case law ?
16 The baby went back to its yelling on the scullery floor .
17 But then it turned round towards the open stable door and went back to its place in the darkness ,
18 Then his muttering went back to its original round : ‘ It 's the unification of unification … ’
19 Fitzormonde stepped away and the bear went back to its meal , shuffling its food into a dirty untidy pile as if it suspected Fitzormonde would like to take it away .
20 It went even beyond its border .
21 So on February 6th of this year , while Mr Dubois was closing his file and writing to the LTA accordingly , Tretorn , having considered its position , went ahead with its complaint to the EC Commission .
22 Despite the powerful case which it put forward , the Polytechnic failed to persuade the government to change its mind and the Welsh Office went ahead with its plans to remove teacher-training courses from the Polytechnic .
23 In what was construed as a conciliatory gesture , EC Foreign Ministers also agreed to refrain from early reprisals against the USA , opting instead to warn of the inevitability of EC retaliation if the US side went ahead with its " unilateral " sanctions .
24 They conferred for a while , then George returned to the train , and the train went quietly on its way .
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