Example sentences of "really did [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I really did feel like a Queen for a moment , well , even longer when I found it was not a flash in the pan , but that they were really going to stay with us .
2 All this is said so nonchalantly , with so much gazing across the water and into the cloudy sky , that a spectator might be convinced we really did bump into each other in our lunch break .
3 ‘ So this is how you spend all the money I 've lent you , ’ I said , and do you know what — he really did blush at that .
4 The engine will also be offering lessons on the footplate to all those who really did want to be engine drivers when they grew up , with the help of an experienced fireman .
5 I still needed evidence in black and white that the inches really did disappear from areas previously impossible to reduce — namely the hips and thighs .
6 ‘ Pete really did go for her then .
7 He really did think of her as little more than a tramp .
8 But , let's notice that , first of all , the Lord really did speak to this woman !
9 The intriguing point is this : if the Germans really did land in East Anglia in 1940 , and there was an elaborate cover-up , it is surely inconceivable that Ealing would have been allowed by the censors to portray such an accurate reconstruction only two years later .
10 For centuries , as we have just seen , commentators argued that grammatical gender really did relate to the immutable realities of sex difference .
11 It can be a bit daunting dealing with a single grain and this is one way of ensuring the patient does n't have to worry whether the poppy seed really did drop into the bottle and similarly the practitioner can be reasonably confident of eliminating this danger in assessing any lack of reaction .
12 Well , I really did slog at it and once back in school I said to him : ‘ Tell what you think of this ’ .
13 Well I had a hysterectomy when I was forty nine and to me life really did begin at fifty !
14 So you can imagine that erm , er during the war of course , th they buses made because they made to the trolley buses made plenty of money because erm , labour was cheap and erm , you had the soldiers they were , lot of them , no other form of transport , petrol rationing and that , so the buses really did come into their own during the war .
15 Steam really did come to an end on BR when the state-owned narrow-gauge Vale of Rheidol was sold , not without tears , to the Brecon Mountain Railway .
16 Either he was so upset that he did n't look where he was going , or he really did jump on purpose . ’
17 They seemed silly and childish and so much less wise than us who really did live in a drab and depressing world and yet found happiness in it .
18 if you were a fairly radical cadre , if you erm really did believe in land reform etcetera this would , this would give you the go ahead to promote land reform .
19 Campion Price really did seem to be a reformed character and Margaret was positively glowing , all the care she had taken over her appearance in the bad years paying handsome dividends , particularly now her lovely eyes were bright with a long-hidden joy .
20 They really did pick on her and the only reason was that she would n't stick up for herself .
21 And he , Neil Cochrane , really did know about such Birds of Paradise , for had he not been loved and betrayed by one , and learned his bitter lesson — never to love or trust a woman again ?
22 Miguel stood up and walked round to her , and said , ruffling her hair , ‘ He really did get to you , did n't he ? ’
23 Something so trivial really did get in the way of a good time , yet none of the children , still bopping away , would have got their vests in such a twist .
24 And if peptides really did code for memories , should there not be many more of them in the brain than one actually finds ?
25 Not because I actually felt at home with all the ‘ weirdos ’ in there but because the shop really did look like my nan 's house .
26 So I was surprised to encounter one firm with a collection of what really did look like my sort of junk .
27 No , surely he would swear her to secrecy — if he really did agree in the end to Miguel 's request .
28 I may believe it is possible that the dead Giselle really did communicate with Alberic , but that in fact she did not .
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