Example sentences of "really [adj] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 The really innovative side to the new BOSS then , is the marketing strategy .
2 The chances are that in an adult novel — certainly in Masefield 's sea-stories — this kind of instant personal illumination would have been avoided : the alternative , an allusive type of dialogue , would have shifted the emphasis from what is really authorial statement to an implied point of character .
3 As Jenny Randles says in Abduction ( according to Mr Marr , the only really reliable guide to the spacenapping phenomenon ) , ‘ Of course I am making no assumptions about what it means to have been abducted [ by aliens ] , but if some researchers are correct many of you reading this book might have undergone an abduction experience without consciously realizing it . ’
4 What I needed now was a really violent interlude to liven up the otherwise turgid plot .
5 it has not so far provided any really noticeable challenge to the Secretary of State 's views .
6 There is no doubting the substantial culpability of the person who embarks on a course of conduct knowing that there is a risk of death to another ( e.g. the man who administered chloroform in Pike ) , and the person who foresees the risk of really serious harm to another from the course of conduct being pursued .
7 It must be shown that the defendant intended ( which , again , includes both purpose and awareness of practical certainty ) to cause really serious injury to someone .
8 This was not an attack upon Wray but first of all a defensive action to prevent Wray from causing really serious injury to his friend .
9 For the next thirteen years they offered no really serious opposition to government policies : but their refusal in 1787 to accept proposals for important new taxes and tax reforms was a crucial step in the destruction of the old regime in France .
10 For a really speedy repair to damaged plasterwork , there is a low-cost repair film called Patch-over .
11 It 's 188 yards , a short hole , of course , and Nick hit a really great tee-shot to about five or six feet .
12 the first thing which is re , a really major change to peoples behaviour .
13 Arsenic compounds were introduced towards the end of the nineteenth century , but it was the introduction of arsphenamine , or salvarsan , in the early twentieth century that produced the first really viable alternative to mercury .
14 He 's been a really decent bloke to me and I reckon he 's had a rough deal , what with that wife of his clearing off and now this … ’
15 And erm Joe his partner was there so I had a really good chat to him .
16 They are really good fun to be around , they are just not overindulgent or obsessive , ’ he says .
17 I think he will be a really good addition to our squad . ’
18 David 's been a really good friend to me , and he 's had a tough time because of it .
19 Somehow I get a vibe off it that it 's gon na be a really good place to be , 'cos maybe things are n't as f—ed up down there .
20 So I think we should all sing Happy Birthday to John , and it 'll be like a really good end to this bloke 's tape .
21 It was all put together with really good attention to detail .
22 Charts are a really stupid way to value music .
23 ‘ This is a really happy ending to your story , ’ said appeal co-ordinator Harry Kearney from Ballymena .
24 Unless there is a really determined effort to ‘ burn the books ’ , and reduce this tangle of bureaucracy , the people at the bottom of the organization on whom everything depends feel an increasing lack of responsibility for the achievement of the objective .
25 Erm , Alton Towers is a really marvellous addition to the Group er , which intends to develop the business further both by attracting more visitors er , with new and exciting rides and also , er , by , through their unique knack of increasing visitor spending levels .
26 This tendency must inevitably cast doubt on the probability of any of the great religions , in their present form , ever being of really beneficial service to all humanity .
27 Erm what I wanted to say is , erm , in response to the lady in the red , was that a lot of feminists have a lot to answer for because , in the sense , men erm can be discriminat , well not discriminated but we can say things about men which are generalizations , whereas if a , one man says one generalized thing about a woman , then he 's just , you know chauvinists is everything , and he 's got a really bad name to him , so I think it 's got to be looked at from both sides .
28 Achernar , the closest really bright star to the south pole , can be seen from Cairo or anywhere in a more southerly latitude ; from New Zealand it is circumpolar .
29 I a lot , cos I remember erm when Claire was I got a really formal invitation to something and I asked Claire how you were supposed to reply and she told me the exact wording of how you should reply and I just looked at her I looked at her and I said I 'm not bloody writing that .
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