Example sentences of "' [noun] [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 This had not been appreciated by the defendants ' chairman who had considered the advertisement for some 5 to 10 minutes before approving it , but who had not sufficiently thought through the implications of it .
2 Nigel , who in any case really delighted in sows ' ears which had the faintest possibility of turning into even cotton purses , beavered away with them for an hour or more before unceremoniously dumping them in the dustbin and banging down the lid .
3 The gleaming black exterior with the polished silver lamp-brackets and the forbidding curtains within that could be drawn to hide its occupants from prying stares told him it was a mourners ' carriage he had spent the night in .
4 After fifteen minutes ' work he had found nothing of interest .
5 He had come to supervise the slaughter of one of the nuns ' flocks which had been found to be infected with Salmonella typhimurium .
6 Within minutes of the disaster , Blairman 's offered me a desk and telephone , Mallett 's provided porters and storage for the 60 years ' accumulation which had to be out of Mount Street in two days .
7 During that summer , tenants ' associations which had been formed in Rossville Flats , Meenan Park , Shantallow , Rossville Street , Lecky Road and Foyle Hill set up a central council to coordinate their activities .
8 Free multiparty elections held on June 8 , 1990 [ see p. 37542 ] , brought a clear majority for the twin citizens ' movements which had led the protests of late 1989 , Civic Forum in the Czech Lands and Public Against Violence in Slovakia .
9 David had heard of the Wilikinses ' divorce there had been quite a lot about the circumstances surrounding it in the Birmingham Mail — and he had been told of a second , short-lived marriage .
10 17 patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus of more than five years ' duration who had reported altered hypoglycaemia awareness within three months of transferring to human insulin .
11 It was n't like that at my hubby 's last Kirk , telling you the Young Mothers ' Meeting we had there was Really Radical .
12 ‘ The lasagne 's fine , ’ she murmured as she played for time and thought of the three months ' mortgage she had to find and how impossible she would find it to pay one months ' mortgage , let alone three , if she did n't have a job .
13 Billy Kelly , the power workers ' leader who had then been instrumental in halting industry , promised that the electricity workers would again bring the province to a halt .
14 He ate a gargantuan meal , starting with some plovers ' eggs they had overlooked earlier , working on through a few roast geese with a brace or so of ducklings on the side , and ending with one half of a cheese and a couple of bowls of fruit .
15 After a few hours ' rest I had something to eat .
16 Mr Welsh said that in response to reporters ' questions he had refused to rule out any tactic because the party had not decided what its strategy on civil disobedience might be .
17 But here it is epigraphy which has added most strikingly to our knowledge : as early as Herodotus ' day there had been Persians with names like Megabates at Halikarnassus ( ML 32 ) , and new inscriptions from fourth-century Labraunda , a sanctuary in Persian-held Karia , attest the Iranian proper names Phrathethnes and Ariarames ( Inscriptions of Labraunda 77 ; 28 ) .
18 Strangely , she felt more resentful of this lady 's peremptory commands than she ever had of those of the merchants ' wives she had previously been obliged to swallow .
19 From an aerial view one can still trace the travellers ' ways it had in 1245 when a market grant was made .
20 One the way , however , I cam across a builders ' merchant which had a sign up , saying ‘ Reclaimed materials sold ’ .
21 One head of English in a comprehensive school described the compilation of an anthology of students ' writing which had included writing in languages other than English .
22 On his return he made common cause with Ben Tillett and others to establish a National Transport Workers ' Federation which had its first conference on 1 June 1911 .
23 A Lurgan solicitor who could speak menacing words in a slow quiet voice , he had come close to the leadership of the Unionist Party , had held cabinet office and retained good links with the paramilitaries and the workers ' leaders who had planned and organized the 1974 strike .
24 There was the largest hornets ' nest he had ever seen , hanging right in his path .
25 Linnet , who wore such a pretty little diamond watch pinned to her bosom , ought to be in the carriage ahead of them with such of the Dallam cousins and Amabel 's sisters ' children who had claimed the right to be bridesmaids .
26 As the transfer was not at arms ' length I had to obtain an estimate of the market value of the house and forward this to the Inland Revenue Stamps Office .
27 The Achilles ' tendon which had been bothering him for weeks finally gave out amid a sympathetic cheer and a great forward ambled to the sideline and out of the match with an hour gone .
28 A woman , described by two Portlaoise psychiatrists , had not only taken to swigging Jeyes ' fluid she had also become dependent on it .
29 The status and function of these courts came into question during one of the most critical of these enquiries , that presided over by Lord Wilberforce in 1972 into the dispute about miners ' pay which had led to a widespread stoppage of work .
30 About three weeks ' pay he had taken from Rab .
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