Example sentences of "life be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This suggests that theories linking football hooliganism to changes in working-class community life are based on a somewhat dubious history .
2 The terms and conditions for life are dictated by the ability of plants to create fuel .
3 The particular health needs of later life are perceived as a low priority , with older people actually being excluded from services which are taken for granted by younger patients .
4 He said that all the important things in life are said in Latin .
5 Traditional views of family life are seen to be unsupported by research findings , but research can assist the identification and development of policies and good practice which can help children at risk and in need to become good parents in their turn .
6 With his concept of the linguistic sign Saussure created the basis of structuralism , both in linguistics and as a more broadly based movement of thought , in which all forms of social and cultural life are seen to be governed by systems of signs which are either linguistic or analogous to those of language .
7 The spiritual riches of a full life are kept from the sufferer while the therapist colludes with the addictive disease itself .
8 Additionally young people 's ideas about parenthood and family life are related to their decisions about education , careers , and heterosexual relations to evaluate theoretical approaches to adolescent development and especially to question whether the establishment of an identity separate from parents and family is necessarily a key issue for young people .
9 The danger , however , lies not only in swallowing false generalizations , or in forgetting how far the realities of later life are shaped by social pressures which may be quite new or open to future change .
10 Whatever temporary vogue her poetry may have enjoyed following her death , the few historical traces of her life are contained within a very narrow compass .
11 Organisms might have evolved the optimal life history , in which survival and fertility late in life are sacrificed for the sake of early reproduction and survival .
12 For example , outbreeding is much more likely to occur than brother-sister incest because of the apparently innate rule that individuals raised closely together during the first six years of life are inhibited from full sexual intercourse at maturity .
13 Politics is a tough and dirty game and there are dangers of high sanctimony creeping into the argument when moral standards in public life are brought into it .
14 In some cases the first three years of life are spent in this ward before transfer to a children 's home . ’
15 The main chemical ingredients for life are derived from combinations of carbon , hydrogen , oxygen and nitrogen , which we can abbreviate to CHON .
16 The minutiae of naval , political and social life are introduced with the utmost literary tact so that the reader can enjoy the piquancy of surprise and can sense the author 's secret enjoyment of allusions which give the books their total authenticity .
17 For here is played the parable of predestination , here the inherent changes and chances of life are put into focus .
18 Some aspects of her early life are suggested in her pseudo-anonymous biography of her father ; otherwise , little is known .
19 Even the spiritual values of life are held in little esteem .
20 Slater and Gearing ( 1988 ) suggest that these negative views of mental health in later life are held by professionals as well as the wider society .
21 The fruits of the tree of life are portrayed through acid-etching of the flasked , or surface-coloured , glass .
22 The economist 's rationale for selectivity is human economic life and other features of human life are subordinated to this .
23 Pre-agricultural man as a forest dweller would have left no trace , although , like D'Arcy Thompson , who argued that sacred groves , as revered in many tropical countries today , were the inspiration for columned buildings ( hence the Greek temple and all modern architecture ) , it has been entertainingly argued by Corner that traces of forest life are embedded in modern society .
24 All the experiences of life are remembered in such exact form that it would seem that we possess inside us a high fidelity recorder .
25 " Since when has life been noted for its fairness ?
26 ‘ Has ever a literary life been preceded by such rumblings and trumpetings ? ’ he asked .
27 And Ginsberg wrote , ‘ Are you going to let your emotional life be run by Time magazine ? ’
28 What I was holding out for hung on a pretty slender thread and I could n't let my life be dominated by it .
29 In 1896 the ‘ Ratepayers and Inhabitants in Parish Meeting assembled [ resolved to ] hereby accord the Rev R. Burdon their grateful thanks for the very great interest he continues to show in the Parish … and hereby express their ernest ( sic ) and unanimous wish that his health might very speedily be restored and his life be prolonged for many years . ’
30 According to an early eighteenth-century edition of an early Han source , it was reported of the emperor Wen that he ‘ acquired a drinking cup of jade , on which was carved this inscription : ‘ Master of Mankind , may Thy Life be prolonged to the great delight of this world !
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