Example sentences of "life [adv] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 The functionalist style in public law , it would therefore appear , has maintained its life only as a dissenting tradition .
2 If Marek was right , Tatyana had taken her own life less as a result of the news of the murder Blanche had brought , than of her son 's dreadful confession .
3 The judge described their life together as a story of high achievement and glorious success , which had come through unrelenting hard work , unlimited self-sacrifice and absolute determination .
4 But if each can be honest about themselves , try to understand the other , and be ready to give as well as take , they will be able to capitalize on all the benefits of facing life together as a stable and mature couple , for the second half of their journey .
5 The new couple are preparing for a life together as a normal man and woman .
6 She begged him to stay so that they could start life afresh as a family .
7 It means helping counsellees to look closely at their attitudes and beliefs , about themselves , about other people , and about life generally as an ageing person , in order to determine the effect these have on their lives , and upon the people close to them .
8 And , if one accepts the concept that the spirit is journeying through many lifetimes in order to achieve that degree of evolution which makes it unnecessary to spend further time on this earth , then surely it must be essential to experience life both as a man and as a woman .
9 And the ones who see life purely as a battle between men and women — which , of course , it is , I suppose , are … ’
10 ‘ If he went now he would see all his previous life here as a waste of time , and in a way he is wreaking vengeance on his mother by being embittered and something of a failure — saying , look what you 've done to me . ’
11 An American flees to Amsterdam , depicting his life there as a chain of sadism and serial killing .
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