Example sentences of "as [adj] for [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The old grey wood , though still dampish , looked as adequate for its purpose as its fellows still forming the boathouse floor and did n't seem to have been weakened in any way .
2 This three-CD retrospective of his solo output is a timely reminder that his career has been as interesting for its disasters as its triumphs .
3 Romeo and Juliet shows us medieval Italy doubly distorted , by the sixteenth-century vision of the author and the fourteenth-century government of a duke ; none the less , as a picture of endemic faction and eternal conflict , it is as authentic for our period as for any later .
4 The area is noted as much for its natural beauty as for its industrial history — it was here , in the lush valleys of Derbyshire that the first stirrings of the Industrial Revolution were felt and today working mills and factory shops testify to this heritage .
5 Cole continues : That explanation is significant as much for its excusatory tone as for its substance ; and the excuse is of the Pioneers , decision to establish a production arm as a separate entity from the consumer society , a decision pointing production for consumer co-operatives along a road to the industrial co-operative form of organisation , along a road it was not to take .
6 It was most unusual in British politics , as much for its measured orderliness as for its warmth .
7 It is likely that Alison Wilding will capture the fancy of pundits and punters , as much for her surprising omission from last year 's highly controversial short-list ( see The Art Newspaper No.12 , November 1991 , p.3 ) , as for the quality of the work which she showed at the Tate Gallery , Liverpool , and the Henry Moore Sculpture Trust , Dean Clough , Halifax , the two exhibitions which secured her nomination .
8 Her part in Share My Lettuce had done as much for her own theatrical career as the show had done for Ken , and she was embarking on a series of films that would make her an international reputation .
9 This is as much for their protection as ours , ’ says Gatfield ( see Mark Melton 's and Mark Boomla 's articles for details of the legal and financial aspects of recording , publishing and other contracts ) .
10 To equip the definitions in his Dictionary , one third or so of nearly a hundred and twenty thousand quotations come from Shakespeare — many , it seems , chosen as much for their philosophical or moral point as for their usage value .
11 There was no covert there larger than an acre or two and they had been placed as much for their scenic effect as for their game-preserving role .
12 There they have been exploiting the advantages of low pollution , the ability to stop and restart every few hours — sorry , every few yards — and electric cars may be introduced as much for their ability to produce low pollution , low noise , and as petrol becomes more expensive and electric cars become more widespread and better engineered and more efficient and cheaper , and more socially acceptable , then I think we will see electric cars .
13 Constantly moisturising , with a combination of vitamins , sunscreens and conditioners , it does as much for your skin as for the way you look .
14 ‘ I 'm refusing your generous offer as much for your sake as my own .
15 This is as much for your benefit as theirs so it does pay to listen — otherwise they may well turn round and say ‘ we told you so ’ when it all comes out in Courier .
16 An ecological reform of our societies will need to take into account , therefore , the compatibility of our innovations as much for our habitat as for ourselves .
17 If we look at the ways in which we handle daily tasks , we shall probably find a strong ritual element there , and that a fair proportion of the setting-to-rights we do is as much for our personal well-being as from physical necessity .
18 Excess weight saps confidence and can even depress , so an attack on fat is as much for our spirit as for physical appearance .
19 Cos we 've all you know , we 've all not got as much for our houses as we want
20 It 's as much for my wife Michella and my daughter Danielle as for me . ’
21 It did not do as much for his career as Midnight Cowboy did for Jon Voight .
22 JIM WATT 'S reputation as a TV commentator has been rightly earned as much for his honest appraisals of boxers as well as his technical expertise .
23 He impatiently waved the face away ; he wanted no useless , interfering spectators , and the impatience was as much for his own continued failure as for the uncaring curiosity of the woman who had looked in — life was cheap in the Buildings .
24 And even though the packs may look different — you ca n't miss the bright new design — parents everywhere can still be quite confident that Farley 's Rusks are just as ideal for their babies and toddlers in today 's world as they ever were .
25 The extract chosen next is just as remarkable for its acknowledgement of the mysterious nature of mental processes .
26 It would , however , be just as unfortunate for our understanding of Simmel to be confined to this aspect of his work as it was for his philosophy to be reduced to the simple model of freedom enshrined in a earlier tradition of American sociology .
27 But he would then be treating the past as evidence of present attitudes and convictions , not as important for its own sake , and he would lose interest in the past as it aged and was therefore of less evidential value .
28 The principles which underlie the working relationship are as important for our understanding and behaviour at work , as the principles which underlie any other area of life .
29 Wright is determined at last to become as prolific for his country as he always is for Arsenal especially with Alan Shearer lurking in the wings for Holland next month .
30 And , naturally a leather suite is as notable for its longlasting looks as it is for its enduring comfort .
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