Example sentences of "against many [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The image is of an aggressive radical tilting against many of the most powerful and conservative ( even Tory ) interests in British society .
2 As one lawyer who is lobbying against many of the bill 's provisions told New Scientist : ‘ The very early aims of data protection laws were to protect the individual , and this particular bill was put forward by this government to protect business interests .
3 Sources close to the KIO say the civil suit in Britain has no bearing on separate , and so far unsuccessful , criminal cases against many of the same defendants in Spain .
4 This argues against many of the palaeo. magnetic reconstructions that put them far apart .
5 The bible forbids the taking of blood but we also believe it protects us against many of the medical problems which exist today
6 ‘ I loved every minute of it and played against many of the touring sides .
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