Example sentences of "made [noun] to [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He said she had made advances to him which he rejected .
2 ‘ Has he made advances to you ? ’
3 Two universities have made awards to him in recognition of his scientific distinction .
4 The answer to that was made plain to him with a stab of dread when he ventured to peer out of his embrasure , for the tall figure was already at the top of the staircase and advancing silently and at leisure along the stone corridor .
5 ‘ We have made offers to them which we believe go beyond our legal responsibilities , ’ he said .
6 Men are portrayed as being powerless : CB LOLITA , 13 , HAD SEX ON THE SLIDE ( ‘ A girl of 13 had sex on a kiddies ' playground slide with a young man she contacted over CB radio , a court heard yesterday ’ ) ; Bedtime antics of a ‘ latter-day Lolita ’ ( ‘ A 13-year-old girl … described as a ‘ latter-day Lolita ’ went to bed with one man … and then swapped him for another in the same room ’ ) ; Girl , 15 , tempted her mother 's man ( ‘ She had made propositions to him three times which he resisted before succumbing ’ ) ; Sex-case man goes to jail ( Defence counsel claimed ‘ the initiative in the sexual relationship came from the girl ’ ) ; CABBlE 'S TEEN SEX SESSIONS ( ‘ Taxi driver … found the cheeky advances of a teenage Lolita hard to resist ’ ) ; CHOIRMASTER AND GIRL , 15 ( ‘ I was tempted and that 's all ’ ) ; Girl gave rapist sex lesson ( ‘ A 14-year-old girl put out a challenge to a convicted rapist … .
7 ‘ Well , it 's never made sense to me , why human beings should have to live like that .
8 I took him to about twenty houses and had made love to him on the splintery boards of about half of them before he decided that this was not a suitable town for his mother to live in — too quiet , too far from London — and the estate agent , whose car had been left standing in leafy side-streets for too many unprofitable hours , gave me a week 's wages and said he thought another job might suit me better .
9 And after she had made love to him , she would cook for him .
10 ‘ You 've made love to me five times , ’ she said .
11 ‘ Because he regarded you as a rival , both on the tracks and off , and by claiming paternity he was claiming he 'd made love to me first , before you , and so was claiming the superior position . ’
12 Maggie , in between numbers at a rock concert , talks to Laura about the young student who has just made love to her .
13 How emotionally extravagant the Italians are , she thought fondly as , calming down , he returned to bed and gently made love to her .
14 She seemed to skate over the next part of her story , but Julia grasped the salient part , which was that one of the English officers who fought with the Italians had fallen in love with her , promised to marry her and secretly made love to her .
15 The moon had been shining in , silvering everything with its ghostly light , when Roman had made love to her .
16 He had made love to her .
17 He had made love to her because he desired her , and she had happily let him because she was in love with him .
18 Later , when they lay quiet and apart once more , Maria thought about his attitude , adding it to the oddly driven way in which he had just made love to her .
19 You 're being silly , she told herself ; a man as attractive as Luke Denner would be bound to have many women in his life , any number of girlfriends ; had n't she schooled herself into thinking this at least a hundred times — ever since that very first meeting , ever since he had dragged her unceremoniously into that small , chaste bedroom , ever since he had made love to her ?
20 That they were pretty overwhelming was evidenced by the way — against all his resolutions — he 'd made love to her .
21 The fact that he 'd made love to her and then tried to brush her off .
22 Leonora took a deep breath and informed Penry that Guy had , indeed , made love to her to a certain extent .
23 After he 's made love to her
24 Now I know that when I had made love to you that afternoon I was right to follow my instincts . ’
25 ‘ I should have made love to you long before this . ’
26 of how her woman 's flesh was made taboo to us
27 There is more than ground for the suspicion that throughout , the second focus of Ritschl 's ellipse is the dominant one , and the first is made subservient to it .
28 In the first place , it was quite useless to preach ready made doctrine to them .
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