Example sentences of "in [conj] [vb infin] his " in BNC.

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1 A parent may interpose in or dominate his or her child 's marriage to satisfy personal need regardless of the child 's feelings .
2 Trying to awaken my slumbering festive spirit , I invited John to come in and open his present .
3 Once he confessed that he used to sneak in and watch his mother dressing .
4 If the tenant accepts that the property may be redeveloped he will probably wish to be looking for alternative accommodation sooner rather than later , and he will wish to move in and terminate his liability under his existing lease as soon as he finds it .
5 The race had started on a wet track — it is almost never dry for a whole weekend in Holland — and Hunt 's victory resulted from the finest sort of judgement about when to come in and change his wet tyres to slicks .
6 Hannen Swaffer — revered almost as the Bernard Shaw of left-wing journalism — used to blow in and write his piece on the corner of someone else 's desk .
7 ‘ But they let you walk in and take his place before they even knew that you never laugh at anything , even if it 's funny . ’
8 One half of her wanted to give in and accept his kisses , which she knew would be delicious ; the other half wanted to tell him insultingly what she thought of him .
9 You have n't got a number or something I could always go in and ask his teacher she 's never interested in if you 've got a a tape or anything .
10 So was it reasonable for the driver to step in and use his car to defend himself against a gang armed with lumps of concrete ?
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