Example sentences of "world [noun sg] on the " in BNC.

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1 The precise nature of the impact of the first world war on the fortunes of the Labour Party remains open to debate .
2 The division between the private and the public sphere , which was located both in economic development ( the separation of work and home ) and in social ideology , was by the end of the nineteenth century at the heart of moral discourse ; as a corollary , not surprisingly , the development of social purity was to have profound effects between the 1880s and the First World War on the regulation of sexual behaviour .
3 Examine the impact of the Second World War on the civilian populations of Europe .
4 The influence of the Second World War on the introduction of a comprehensive system of National Insurance , the National Health Service , Family Allowances , and town and country planning can hardly be ignored .
5 The effect of the Second World War on the male Japanese population is also just detectable .
6 East Germany shows a sharp fall in the birth rate during the First World War and after the Second and the effect of the Second World War on the males of fighting age .
7 Mrs Thatcher recognised the gravity of the situation and helped focus world attention on the subject , but , with US and Japan , undermined moves to set targets for reduction of carbon dioxide emissions , and failed to adopt energy efficiency policies .
8 The aim is to focus world attention on the conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina and in other parts of Europe and to encourage humanitarian aid for the victims .
9 The use of warships to blockade Iraq and enforce UN Security Council sanctions after the invasion of Kuwait on 2 August 1990 , served to focus world attention on the problems and possibilities of naval operations in support of United Nations resolutions .
10 The focus of world attention on the region was also felt to have encouraged domestic pressure for political reform and to have influenced King Fahd 's November decision to revive plans , shelved since 1980 , for the creation of central and regional consultative councils .
11 The seven laureates hope to focus world attention on the plight of Ms Suu Kyi , who has been under house arrest in Burma since 1989 , and 1,500 other political prisoners of the junta .
12 The seven laureates hope to focus world attention on the plight of Ms Suu Kyi , who has been under house arrest in Burma since 1989 , and 1,500 other political prisoners of the junta .
13 Announcing the establishment of new climate monitoring centre , Thatcher offered support for the establishment of a convention on climatic change by the time of the UN 's 1992 world conference on the environment and development ( a proposal supported in Resolutions 44/229 and 44/207 ) ; and proposed that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change preparing a report for that conference be extended .
14 George Underwood : ‘ It was all instigated by David really , because he had been listening to the World Service on the radio and suddenly got the bug to get involved in American Football , and he wrote to the American Embassy asking for more information .
15 " God Save Ireland " my mother would exclaim if there was news of world catastrophe on the wireless or the milk threatened to boil over .
16 Erm for one world week on the twenty fourth of October and we 've been asked to do a stall there .
17 Intermixed with this division were differences which stemmed from strong commitments to domestic policies of social welfare on the one hand and the belief that Britain should pursue a world role on the other .
18 Today he is a professor of physics at Brigham Young University ( BYU ) in Provo Utah , is a world authority on the experimental investigations of muon catalysed fusion , and is a quietly spoken contemplative man with a dry sense of humour who describes his fair slightly greying hair as ‘ palladium blond ’ .
19 I mean you think about primal hunting adults like the bushmen or the Australian Aborigines , the the men do the , do the hunting for erm for meat and women do the , do the gathering for and the point is that er meat is very nutritious and it 's an important part of their diet and men go hunting and they come back and they share food with their wives and their relatives or someone and male parental investment is terribly important So women for instance if you ask David McKnight who 's a world authority on the Australian Aborigines and has spent many years living with them , say what do women look for in the traditional society , what do women look for in a husband ?
20 He also headed a number of Courtaulds ' textile businesses at different times but it was mainly his knowledge of viscose which earned him a reputation as a leading world authority on the fibre .
21 For his part , Bush said that the participation of the Soviet Union in the IMF and the World Bank on the basis of the special status granted to it at the G-7 meeting was " the most important thing that the Soviet Union could do right now " .
22 A report commissioned by the World Bank on the Narmada Dam in India concludes that the environmental impacts of the project have not been adequately addressed , and as no fair resettlement of the 250,000 tribal people is possible , World Bank funding should be suspended .
23 Watch the World Cup on the Ferguson 51P7 .
24 A veteran of two full tours and a World Cup on the sub-continent , Gatting will ferret out a game of cards , take any chance to fit in a round of golf and stay cheery at the endless list of official functions , where diarrhoea of the verbal , rather than physical , kind causes discomfort .
25 Last spring I sat in the Windows on the World restaurant on the 45th floor of the World Trade Center , whose twin towers are a New York landmark .
26 India could develop test-tube fusion cells , using them as a source of neutrons to make weapons grade materials , breaking out of the stranglehold that the USA has held them in since severance of nuclear ties following the Pokran nuclear test in 1974 ; they set to work at once before the US classifies it as secret and corners the world market on the essential materials .
27 In 1957 Macmillan inherited the leadership of an unpopular government , lagging behind Labour in the opinion polls , but the policies pursued over the years to 1959 managed eventually to retrieve the party 's position : Macmillan 's nuclear ‘ defence ’ policy seemed at the time a plausible way to reclaim the status of a world power on the cheap ; the formation of EFTA was negotiated ; Macmillan sacked the deflationary Chancellor Thorneycroft and substituted Heathcoat-Amory who instituted another convenient bout of pre-election tax cutting .
28 WALT Disney 's 31st full animated feature Aladdin brought out the stars for its world premiere on the weekend in Los Angeles at a charity screening .
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