Example sentences of "man was [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Emily looked down at her hands , she knew it was useless to deny it , the man was no fool .
2 Heavens , what a word l No , this man was no pickpocket .
3 A one-armed man was no use .
4 When he was finally defeated , by Wayne Ferreira in the quarter-finals , the man was a hero .
5 One resident accused the police of going ‘ over the top ’ but a force spokeswoman said : ‘ The man was a prisoner with a history of violence . ’
6 Basically , the man was a parchment-seller trying to raise good hard silver or gold to finance the export of parchment to Nantes and the import of wine .
7 The man was a lunatic , ’ Nevil said .
8 This man was a Southerner , in his heart , a Southern boy whom she could give up if she had to , whom she could forget .
9 The doctor , like many scientists , returned to the only workable theory she knew : man was a brain in a body .
10 And apparently the man was a bit doolally pardon me .
11 Yes , he said , there were equal rights for Lebanon 's 17 religious communities , freedom of expression for every man and woman be they Muslim or Christian ; it was a land where every man was a friend to the other without distinction .
12 Unlikely — man was a friend and colleague of Albert Einstein .
13 ‘ I do n't think this man was a cousin at all , indeed , I think you 've been harbouring a criminal from jail . ’
14 Of course primitive man was a sun worshipper .
15 But the man was a fool , a low-grade Pessarane Behesht attachment who had been foisted on him by some egocentric mullah operating from Geneva .
16 The man was a fool … did he think it would do his reputation any good to appear in weak productions ?
17 The man was a serpent , and — who knew — he might have been more successful than he claimed , in the matter of Rudolf Hess .
18 The man was a regular in a nearby pub .
19 ‘ If we make comparisons , Montgomery was a staff captain when this young man was a brigadier general .
20 The man was a demon and he had disturbed her to the depths of her being .
21 It should always be remembered that the man was a Gentile .
22 The man was a snake .
23 A spokesman for Tyne Tees Coastguards confirmed that the missing man was a member of Newbiggin lifeboat crew — one of the lifeboats taking part in the search off Whitby , North Yorkshire .
24 The man was a patient at Gloucestershire Royal NHS trust Hospital , undergoing routine treatment .
25 He said the man was a foreigner .
26 Again , that does n't get us anywhere at the moment , but it does slightly bear out the possibility that the man was a foreigner which would explain our total failure so far to get him identified . "
27 The old man was a cripple and in the last years of his life .
28 Man was a marvel . ’
29 The man was a master at manipulation , using that cold-hearted charm to ruthlessly convince the poor woman that this pack of lies was the truth !
30 The man was a villain .
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