Example sentences of "man who [vb -s] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It is about a man who gets fed up with the New York rat race and forsakes advertising to buy a Gendamerie in Provence .
2 Another source for dances of character can be found in the sad clown or ‘ the man who gets slapped ’ .
3 Penn described the anti-hero of his Western as ‘ a man who gets rid of his history like a snake sheds his skin …
4 He 's a man who has crushed all softness in himself , so why should his son be indulged , be allowed to cry and display his grief , be stroked and cuddled and consoled when he never was ?
5 POLICEMAN 's widow Monica King spoke of her hatred last night for the man who has destroyed her life .
6 It sounds like a man who has squashed five centuries of a nation 's literature in his palm .
7 I was going to finish there without saying any more because i cant be arsed writing , but basically there is a rich business man who has remained in the background because he dislikes Howard.Once Howard leaves , the money should come rolling in , or so the story goes .
8 POLICE are appealing for information about a man who has remained silent since he was arrested for theft .
9 And truly it was no longer , as I had once thought , a matter of a star courting success by adopting the affectations of a prima donna , but of a man who has given himself up to a trance .
10 Now there 's a man who has given the term ‘ comedian ’ a whole new meaning .
11 A man who has given away his greatest secret can not afford further pretence .
12 Durance sighed , the long deep sigh of a man who has given up hope .
13 Hatty , Finance Minister in Whitehead 's liberal Cabinet , London-born , is a thoughtful man who has given outstanding service ; he was largely responsible for starting Marimba Township , where Africans working in Salisbury were enabled to build and own their own houses .
14 Moving like a man who has played more squash than he need , he spun round , drew back his right and booted his wigless ex-sidekick right up his grey-flannelled arse .
15 Many anglers are hailing it as the most significant advance in fishing tackle during the past 20 years and Dave Chilton , the man who has popularised its use , believes that the line , made from the world 's strongest man-made fibre ( Lancia uses it to strengthen the internal bodywork of its cars ) , may revolutionise all branches of the sport .
16 He looked exultant , as befits a man who has conquered territory , but abashed too , because of all these evidences of concern for the material .
17 Captain Fred Barker is Senior Master with the hunt , a man who has hunted for 44 years .
18 So what has brought the best known boxer on the unofficial circuit , the best known bouncer in town , the man who has inspired film scripts and tall tales in the snooker halls , once one of the six people in Britain said to be able to bench-press 500 pounds , what has brought him to the dock in front of Judge Richard Lowry and to the possibility of spending the rest of his life locked up with robbers and rapists ?
19 Talking during the week with a veteran of the ANC — a man who has opposed Smith publicly and privately for years — I was surprised to hear him say , ‘ Whether the PM was right or wrong , we must assist him now to look into this idea of a change of heart . ’
20 Bach speaks of such things with the passion of a self-made man who has beaten personal adversity .
21 But a man who has struggled to make Labour electable , at the cost of jettisoning his beliefs , might still have the heart to continue that battle .
22 It was only to be expected that a man who has written with such insight and style about Calcutta and New York , cricket and the crossing of deserts would do justice to a life-long passion .
23 Whereupon Johnson observed that it did not necessarily follow ‘ that a man who has written a good poem on an art , has practised it ’ , citing excellently instructive verses on cider by a man never known to have made any .
24 Heseltine , a stocky man who has lost his Australian accent but retained an attractive Australian directness , is one of the principal architects of the new style of monarchy .
25 Mr Smith launched a stinging attack on John Major , ridiculing him as a man who has lost control of events .
26 It certainly was a disgusting display from a man who has bowed out from the game very publicly .
27 The saint is the man who has withdrawn from the rough-and-tumble world of everyday living .
28 A man who has slain Thomas Springall and blamed it on poor Brampton , afterwards making his death look like suicide .
29 It is surely one of the most cruel twists of fate that a man who has demonstrated such commitment , as well as compassion to overcome so many other problems during his life — and indeed to have helped so many others to have done the same — that he should have become a victim of medical science .
30 He left the room abruptly , with the air of a man who has revealed too much of himself .
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