Example sentences of "man [Wh pn] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is natural that any suggestion of lack of … of affection for this child should so upset a man who is of the highest integrity — ’
2 Their conversation was interrupted by the familiar sound of a girl 's badly-acted laughter from behind the bead curtain which led to the interior of the brothel , punctuated by the growling of a man who is under the illusion that he is cock of the dunghill .
3 It signals the transformation of the large , lucid Great Sinner into the man who is beyond definition and self-definition , beyond calling himself bored , and whose actions — whether he is biting an ear or enduring a punch in the face or hanging by a well-soaped rope — explain nothing and nobody .
4 And Hopkins grins like a man who is at last easy in his skin .
5 ‘ Tomorrow morning , ’ he said , ‘ I have to make my closing speech in defence of a man who is on a murder charge , and whom I know for certain to be innocent .
6 The law says nothing as to a woman who has sexual intercourse with a man who is in a similar situation .
7 The man who is in charge of that ( and who appears in action in BBC 's ‘ Vietnam — The country not the war ’ ) is Professor Vo Quy of Hanoi University .
8 She displays more sympathy for this anti-Semitic Moses , for this religious man who is against Jews and against the Soviet system , than she does for Jews who are not religious .
9 That threw a man who is by nature unflappable : ‘ I do n't remember what I answered ’ , said Dean , ‘ but I know what I felt like saying : ‘ You tell me ’ .
10 He is a man who is by nature a Windsor , but who has tried hard to be a Mountbatten .
11 Scudamore 's friend and partner Nigel Twiston Davies … he does n't like cameras … does n't do interviews … a man of mystery … but a man who 's at one with his world …
12 True , a haircut , a smattering of designer stubble , the odd earring and a spot of UVA can make a difference , but basically it 's the inner man who 's on display .
13 It 's about a young man who 's in love with an older woman .
14 but I only went round Dor Dorman Longs because the man who 's in charge of the labourers who moved all the machinery about er I sort of went with him see I did n't
15 In a lighter vein — There was once a man who was at work kibble filling .
16 Robbie could scarcely believe this was the same man who was at such pains to keep her at a safe distance , until she reflected that in Fen 's eyes Miss Taylor would present no threat to his reserve .
17 I missed very much the man who was for fifteen years our first trombone ; he trained the group to the very highest level .
18 She was singing on stage when we arrived and by the time I had reached my seat I said to the man who was with me , this is the Salome I have been looking for .
19 She said something to the man who was with her , a thickset , dark-featured fellow , who stood with his hands in the pockets of his anorak frowning at the flood water .
20 But the RUC said last night : ‘ The victim of this foul murder was an entirely innocent man who was on his way to work .
21 Have you heard of the man who was on two diets ?
22 And the man who was on the boat with her must be suspect . ’
23 A man who was on one of the tours asked me out .
24 I caught a glimpse of her , eyes red with fury , and I wondered if my last hour had come , but Bill , the man who was on guard , managed to push her back with the aid of a large plank , and she soon quietened down when we passed her babies back . ’
25 Anna was raped and strangled by a man who was on bail awaiting trial for rape .
26 There is no precise moment or position at which one can say of a particular individual that the child has become an adult or that the man who was outside the house is now inside .
27 He had been a man in authority in his own country , and used to the arrogant assertion of power … and the unquestioning obedience of each and every man who was of lesser rank than him .
28 Rudd 's promotions were probably attempts to remunerate a man who was of more value to the Tudor state as a cartographer than as a cleric .
29 It was the signature of a man who was to all intents and purposes illiterate .
30 Johnson 's prowess was quickly recognised and , when the first representative match was staged between the Southern League and the Football League , on 11 April 1910 at Stamford Bridge ( Y-2 ) , it was our man who was between the posts for the Southern League .
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