Example sentences of "man who [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In his autobiography , he tries to see how this happened to ‘ the whole man ’ — to the man who had been haunted since youth by a sense of joy ’ , to the man whose love of Autumn , of Northernness , even of his own mother , was always , as he came to feel , a longing for one without whom our hearts will find no rest .
2 Although David Cecil was and always had been a devout Christian , he became the favourite candidate of those who resented the ‘ clerical candidate ’ , the man who had been put up by Lewis , just because he was a Christian .
3 It so happened that Hugh was the man who had been producing Tony Newley and he said to me after listening to those tracks that this was the most exciting thing to come into his room since Tony Newley which I thought was quite amazing since , some time later , David was quite infatuated with the work of Newley .
4 A man who had been bitten by a snake in Sydney , Australia , refused medical help when paramedics would n't allow his dog in the ambulance .
5 What a wonderful night : thousands of people , many of them young , black and white , all there is to thank an elderly man who had been in prison longer than many at the concert had even been alive .
6 I once knew a man who had been brought up beside a Patrick 's Well in County Limerick .
7 It was the slumber of a man who had been at his cups for some considerable time .
8 We come closer to contemporary retirement with the second Roberts grandfather , a man who had been much less successful at work , and after failing as a shopkeeper had nearly failed as a farmer until his son took over .
9 During restoration in the house , a skeleton was discovered of a man who had been buried standing upright .
10 Together they started to laugh , the deep chuckle and the dry whispery cackle rolling past the monks , who returned with a start to their praying ; past Bridhe , Elizabeth , Marion , Hector and his young attendants , the women , clan officers , nephews , cousins , clansmen great and common , clustered weeping at the death-bed of the man who had been chief for the whole life-time of most of them .
11 What I am saying most specifically is take all of me — and here of course Gary began the melody on the piano and we all smiled and then she sang , sang her song , and believe me we did all listen to the words that night , we knew that the man who had been attacked was there , and we knew that O and Boy were standing shoulder to shoulder in our midst , we saw them in the centre of the mirror , saw ourselves standing beside them and standing by them and give me a drink now because I had such hopes of a lover of my own on that evening and here I am .
12 A man who had been sitting silently by on the wooden form got to his feet , his hand outstretched , and he said , ‘ There ! take it ; and if you want to pay it back put it in the voluntary box she was talking about . ’
13 ‘ If what this girl says is true , you 'll find proof of their guilt in the car , sergeant , ’ said the stout man who had been talking to the keeper .
14 The Feldwebel came back , and the man who had been filling in the new form turned round in his chair and looked at me .
15 It was the man who had been lying on his bed when I arrived .
16 The first story I wrote as a full-time reporter concerned the death of a local man who had been visiting friends in Indiana and whose remains were being sent back to Moose Jaw for burial .
17 Another incident in the same Shop involved a man who had been on a Government course on turning .
18 She stood back , still holding his hands and saw tears appear in the eyes of the old man who had been more of a Father to her than her own Father .
19 It was spotted by William Robertson , then aged 20 , a deaf man who had been educated at the Aberdeen School for the Deaf , and who had only been at sea for one year .
20 Most important of all , she was married to the man who had been Paula 's husband .
21 The actual printing was produced by a retired man who had been a compositor all his life .
22 The three brothers raised a sum upon Post Obit Bonds through one Louis Weltzie , Clerk of the Prince of Wales 's Kitchen , and a man who had been a Lottery Office Keeper near Carlton House , called Annesley Shee .
23 How far Temple 's aspirations coincided with reality may be judged by these observations committed to paper in 1962 by a man who had been his native clerk : ‘ To speak the gospel truth ’ , this man recalled , ‘ Mr Temple was very harsh towards the native chiefs … really , he did not spare the rod as far as efficient administration was concerned ; … he was bad-tempered …
24 Indeed , when I visited the Pride Club recently , I got talking to a gay man who had been present that night and remembered it with anger and disgust .
25 The man who had been a passenger in the taxi then produced a long-bladed knife and attacked her .
26 Atkins and the other man who had been with him during the doorstep confrontation on Boxing Night were waiting .
27 She was now a married woman or , rather , widow , ostensibly carrying the child of a man who had been killed in action .
28 Within minutes the steps were swarming with black-coated , medal-encrusted figures , all on their way to raise double gins to the fond memory of the man who had been a leader in the game of Intelligence .
29 Inside was the body of a man who had been shot through the mouth .
30 There was the man who had been with him and taken the briefcase from the hotel room and who in the morning would go back to the Golani Brigade stationed on the Lebanese border and who would be chided by his fellow officers for having taken leave while the military workload was intense .
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