Example sentences of "day [pron] could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The next day I could not resist a peep under the covers , and saw a brief movement among the mops .
2 Until almost the last day I could not believe that we were really leaving Abyssinia for good , that we should not be coming back .
3 ‘ I wear a hearing aid and only the other day I could n't understand what my helper was saying .
4 Mysteriously , a nurse later said that one night I got out of bed and walked to the toilet , and yet the next day I could n't move .
5 For day after day I could n't even keep water down .
6 yesterday I were in bed all day I could n't move !
7 When we got to the pub my hands were so swollen and red from picking up the jug and throwing it all day I could barely pick up a pint to drink . ’
8 Rachel was invited to join them and she was happy to do so , but for the rest of the day she could n't forget that moment when David had moved so close to her ; she could n't forget the look in his eyes , a look that had implied that the conclusions drawn by others about his intentions towards her could be well founded .
9 She described the exquisite pains of love when one day she could not rise from her bed because of the anguish from a scintilla of pure love that had pierced her heart .
10 For brief moments that day she could almost believe she was talking about third parties .
11 The pain was becoming so intense that by the end of the day she could hardly grip her scissors .
12 until one day they could n't think of any way that you could may improve it .
13 Police were called but when he was interviewed about the attack the next day he could not remember anything .
14 For the rest of the day he could hardly concentrate on any problem , caught between contrition that he had done something wrong in inviting Benedicta and pleasure that she had so readily accepted .
15 She said to me you can go and get it out , honestly , you know the other day he could hardly s well y you could see but not nearly as good as this
16 It was the eternal noise at that bend in the river , but on a normal day it could n't be heard here .
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