Example sentences of "might well [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Results from specific automatic challenges might better direct therapy .
2 Thus a 10-month-old baby who failed to respond to its name , or to betray signs of recognition towards its mother , twin sister , or even its rattle , might well give therapists cause for concern ; which is not to say that the normal baby , who does succeed in reacting appropriately , is thereby yet self -conscious .
3 A top-level decision to embark on a nuclear weapons programme … might well involve falsification of records and a good deal of covering up .
4 Those who know southern England might well expect Wallingford to be already a mere dormitory of London .
5 In those days trainers looked like window cleaners and the likelihood was that when they were n't looking after players on a Saturday afternoon , they might well shine windows for a living .
6 Parents armed with this information , might well think Saintbridge is not a good choice for their children .
7 The category £10-£19 covered middling or larger peasant farmers , tenants for the most part , though sometimes owner-occupiers , as well as highly skilled craftsmen ; in the village community they might well hold positions of responsibility .
8 A young couple might well anticipate marriage in the complacent and deeply rooted assumption that a pregnancy would be followed by a regularisation of the tie , but in the new economic and social situation the irregularities of the economy might well snatch away the spouse .
9 Earl Patrick might well bring Edward himself here — who had paid for the improved defences .
10 In the example here it might plausibly be supposed that the age of the pupils might well influence attainment or otherwise modify the effect of the causal factor .
11 So a self-conscious pragmatist might well decide cases in ways , and even in words , that are familiar to us .
12 Hargreaves ( 1975 ) points out that Jordan ( 1974 ) has identified two types of teacher , which might well complement Reynolds 's two types of school .
13 The wider scope of the EEC and its larger membership might well impose strains long before the end of the interim period .
14 Representation was most frequently by a friend or relative , or by a social worker , though there was a large unhelpful category labelled ‘ other ’ , which might well include welfare rights advisers .
15 As we made clear in the previous chapter , its definition of temporary workers might well include people whose jobs are available on other than a temporary basis , but who only intend to stay in these jobs for a limited period of time .
16 Such employees might well have claims for compensation against the UK government for defective implementation of the Directive , if they can show that , had the restriction not been included in the Regulations , their claim would have succeeded .
17 But any new Warden might well have difficulty in taking over .
18 An eminent nonconformist might well have reservations about a now Anglo-Catholic son seeking holy orders in the Church of England .
19 A and B might well have features in common from the outset ( the c elements in the figure ) and these will produce primary generalization — training on A will give associative strength to stimulus elements that are present also in B. The X representation functions in just the same way as the c elements in producing generalization except for the fact that the ability of A and B to activate X is based on prior conditioning .
20 Of course there are lots of questions which would have to be sorted out — the difference is the Scottish Education system , & the courses offered , for a start — & you might well have doubts about cutting yourself off from your friends & so forth .
21 What a less law-abiding , trusting soul might well call harassment if they were feeling uncharitable ? ’
22 Such a war , if it went badly , might well cause stockmarkets to crash again .
23 So while you might well overhear Eeyore sighing to himself , and know therefore that he is n't trying to mislead anyone , it 's much less likely ( though not of course impossible ) that you 'll overhear Rabbit muttering ‘ There 's honey ’ to himself .
24 If you served at RAF Valley , Mona , Bodorgan , Llandrog , Penrhos , Hell 's Mouth , Llanbedr or Tywyn , or if you would like to know more of the aviation heritage of North Wales , you might well find Roy Sloan 's researches to be of special interest .
25 As for Boon , he and McDermott might well find places currently in a World XI .
26 Alterations in diet and even hygiene might well produce indigestion and ‘ traveller 's tummy ’ , but this does not exclude the possibility that the time-zone transition produces similar or additional changes .
27 You might well enjoy Beaumont and Fletcher 's rumbustious The Knight of the Burning Pestle — The Maid 's Tragedy is a good choice , too .
28 If a Champagne house buys its requirements in the form of must ( as opposed to grapes ) , débourbage might well take place at both the presshouse and the winery .
29 Articles appeared in the press extolling the creativity of ‘ home-making ’ ; psychiatrists warned that children who grew up without their mother 's constant care and attention were seriously deprived and might well become delinquents .
30 Given the Emperor 's dislike of Orléanism as a political creed and his aversion to the family as a whole , there was no possibility that he would willingly consent to the establishment of an Orléanist King on the Spanish throne — an event which it was feared might well raise hope among French Orléanists of a restoration of the dynasty in France .
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