Example sentences of "might have be [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Possibly the greatest fear one might have is that , because the lesson is relatively unstructured , it could grind to a halt .
2 That might have been that : one more competent but fairly low-key Koi dealer among many .
3 Or it might have been that he saw , in the younger screenplay writer , someone before whom all false reticence could be cast aside .
4 It might have been that a long time ago , when people believed in prayer .
5 The conclusion might have been that Ealhfrith abdicated in a voluntary acceptance of the religious life were it not for Bede 's silence on the matter and his statement that Oswiu was attacked in the course of his reign by the Mercians , his nephew , Oethelwald , and by his own son , Ealhfrith ( HE III , 14 ) .
6 But somebody else 's judgment might have been that this was a geographic clash .
7 When passing the 1976 act , it might have been that no particular attention had been paid to a situation in which injuries were sustained before birth , but parliament had clearly stated that a person had to sustain injuries and die from them before relatives could claim damages .
8 Well there might have been that nobody knew about , I do n't know .
9 Well Canadian you know might have been that his father was in the Canadian army in the war .
10 would would help it , it 's it 's not quite secure enough , because it might have been before I arrived , but all the weaknesses show up
11 Oh I sh I suppose they might have been but where they were made I , cos I mean you get like they used to b they used to deal in all shoes , no doubt they got them from them .
12 ‘ Carlisle ’ might have been but one humble example of nearly 5500 locomotives constructed by the firm , but it was an honest product of a reliable company .
13 It was not without its problems — co-operation between the individual producers was not always as effective as it might have been and it lacked a satisfactory system of ensuring that the quality of productions was kept uniformly high — but it was an influential scheme , and the bias towards the tape-slide medium amongst audio-visual teaching aids in the UK remains to this day .
14 So when the searcher eventually believes and becomes a Christian ( I am ignoring for the moment the other levels of understanding which are involved ) , he is nothing if not a man with a memory and a man of special gratitude : Whatever he becomes , wherever he goes , whatever he does , he should never be unaware of what once was , what might have been and what could well be again .
15 She lunged forward at him , striking her talons on the bars where his face might have been and crashing her beak thunderously down .
16 I was filled with a dry sadness , a mixture of remembering and knowing ; remembering what was and what might have been and knowing it was all past ; at the same time knowing , or beginning to know , that other things were happily past — at least some of my illusions about myself , and then the syphilis , for there were no signs that it was going to come back .
17 The evaluators found that the guide was less well used that it might have been and consider ways in which a guide might fit into the ‘ socially-oriented ’ structure of the training year .
18 Moreover , if bad management is perceived by the stock market , share prices will be lower than they might have been and a takeover raider may see an opportunity to buy up the company , install a better management , improve profits , and hence make capital gains when share prices subsequently rise .
19 At least when he was not with her she now knew where he was but the comfort this brought her was not as complete as it might have been because he was also with Annunciata during those times .
20 He suggested this might have been because at the time an aircraft 6km up was dropping laser-guided bombs onto the next platform ( or target as they are usually known ) .
21 Our afternoon was not as enjoyable as it might have been because of a large number of supporters who had to stand alongside our seats in the east stand as they had purchased transfer tickets for seats and there were no seats for them .
22 If your original application was rejected by some or all of the institutions you listed , this might have been because it was delayed and did not reach the admissions tutor until after the course was full .
23 This might have been because he 'd been kept in an aviary and not given enough exercise , and i felt sure I could put that right .
24 We suspected that this might have been because Coventry did n't score .
25 Charlie 's departure is the first of several , and this event is succeeded by the announcement of a further theme when the rabbi 's thunderings pass over the heads of his congregation and the writer notes : ‘ in later years I would wonder how different my life might have been if a few people , those closest to me , had been frightened — just a little . ’
26 Just think what the reaction might have been if she 's responded by saying she had no plans to quit .
27 How much easier and clearer it might have been if it had been possible to say that both parents and husband were equally concerned and that they might all talk together .
28 He sounded as enthusiastic as I might have been if talking about paving stones in Manchester .
29 Then , quickly she opened the door and went out and left them standing in a half circle , silent , no laughter on their faces now , just memories of what might have been if they had had a child like the little girl who used to run into them , and a daughter as she was now .
30 We wo n't ever know what might have been if the two had met .
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