Example sentences of "might be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany argued that a member state might legitimately adopt appropriate criteria with regard to the grant of flag rights in order to safeguard the objectives of the Community system of fishing quotas ; it considered that , if necessary , the criteria adopted to that end might be contrary to the E.E.C .
2 The ideas might be splendid in themselves but you must consider how they will contribute to the strategy .
3 Mr and Mrs Chambers were more like proxy parents than servants ; they might be upset at his sending back so much food .
4 But when a building looks a problem to sell , some planning authorities show a dangerous tendency to try to be kind and make encouraging noises that parts of the grounds might be suitable for development .
5 Thus lectures might be suitable for providing a general introduction to a course on information retrieval .
6 But how did the idea that sound might be suitable for microscopy arise ?
7 This problem is not uncommon , as many books on computer applications , which might be suitable for undergraduate case studies , are padded out with material readily found in any good general introductory text .
8 In regions where there is a very distinctive form of metalwork , an extreme example being the disc brooches of Kent , the distribution might be suitable for analysis as the problems concerning the measurement of similarity are less important .
9 Prices are generally too high for any quality furniture that might be suitable for reworking .
10 In rationalising these qualities Verity Lambert saw two of William Hartnell 's previous roles which suggested he might be suitable for the character she had in mind .
11 While there , he was able to forget the ritual of Monday morning when , in the darkness of winter or the bright light of summer 's early dawns , Celtic Crescent and the streets of Jewtown would be clamorous with the noise of horses being led from nearby stables and harnessed to carts , of men shouting instructions and calling to each other in Yiddish and English as they struggled under the weight of trunks and knapsacks stuffed to overflowing with clothes , fancy goods , kitchen articles , holy pictures , enlargements of family photographs — anything that might be suitable for selling from door to door on a weekly-payment basis .
12 Nevertheless , Brearley thought that the alloy might have uses in other high-corrosion situations and , as it did not tarnish , might be suitable for cutlery .
13 I suppose the , the sort of things that made me think I might be suitable for social work have been coming from working with the young .
14 We shall welcome suggestions from private companies on services which might be suitable for contracting out , and on ways of improving contracting out procedures .
15 GL reported on the Ness ‘ Plant Hunter ’ interactive video system , which might be suitable for Public Services .
16 In an interview with the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Siyasa of March 28 King Fahd said that the " prevailing democratic system in the world " was not suitable for the region , and that Islam favoured " the consultative system and the openness between the ruler and his subjects " rather than the " free elections " , which might be suitable for other countries .
17 To try to decide how many patients might be suitable for transplantation , an audit was performed of admissions ot a district general hospital of patients with end stage liver disease .
18 It is the advice of Consultant Psychiatrists at Banstead and Horton that while there may be a ‘ small number of patients in other categories who might be suitable on an individual basis for transfer to appropriate alternative facilities , there is only one category of patient which can seriously be considered for transfer .
19 However , Dr Tim Synott of the Oxford Forestry Institute suggested that plantations might be suitable on some formerly-forested lands that had become so degraded as to have very little biological value .
20 Palmerston replied that he was glad to have the assurance of ‘ trained men of science and judgement ’ , and although he felt that Gothic might be suitable in the country , he was determined to have Italian for the present purpose .
21 Do the assumptions of heads have to attach less weight than might be reasonable to , for instance , a colleague 's attitude of reluctance ?
22 The ‘ average bureaucrat ’ might be average in two ways .
23 The bloke with the stick might be one of those — what do you call them ? — eccentrics .
24 He was unarmed and I hoped that he might be one of the interpreters .
25 ‘ She might be one of those modern women .
26 In fact this might be one of the abiding lessons on the tour ; the need for patience and cool-headed skill .
27 It seemed it might be one of those nights when frustration would creep in and undermine Villa 's supremacy .
28 Seton had hardly spoken to any since his son 's death ; Gray was never loquacious ; and Ramsay not only again felt something like guilt at deserting Berwick in its hour of need , but did not relish having to tell the Randolph sisters the terrible news and the possibility that their brother might be one of the casualties .
29 You might be one of those people .
30 With its seemingly endless capacity for dealing surprises , the penis might be one of nature 's cruellest jokes
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