Example sentences of "might have the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You might be a whizz at your job , you might have the charisma of ten men , but when it comes down to normal decent human values you 're nothing .
2 Write Ellen and by express even telegram for which I will pay in order that I might have the relief of knowing you have understood and all is clear .
3 He thought of a Socialist future for his half country , and conceived the hope of a job in which he might have the luck to be gripped by some stupendous ire of work , trying to avoid the spectacle of the people around him and in the wet street outside , which pointed out a fraternal indifference in the world that was the last perception he cared to harbor .
4 George finally saw this last week and agreed to buy a new one , although not until 1997 when we might have the money .
5 I might have the king prawn one actually .
6 No , I might have the king prawn korma , but I du n no .
7 So you might have the door to the kid 's bed underneath that wall .
8 He might have the will to fight back , but everyone is asking the same question : ‘ Does he have the way ? ’
9 He might have the will to fight back , but everyone is asking the same question : ‘ Does he have the way ? ’
10 ‘ Mr Swinton has so much already , ’ Alexandra said , her voice almost steady , ‘ that he asked if you might have the basket for bringing me out here on Christmas night . ’
11 Now that the exchange rate is around the $1.40 to $1.45 mark there could be a case for going back but we might have the difficulty of seeming opportunistic .
12 They might have the credibility but we have the cash .
13 Their success hinges on deceiving the female and , since this is achieved by having a separate territory for each female , it is easy to see how larger and more experienced birds might have the advantage .
14 It is an important innovation in Hungarian law that a one-man company may be created , and according to the ministerial reasons it was introduced in order to allow the foundation of one-man companies by state enterprises so that they might have the advantage of carrying on trading with limited liability .
15 He might have the advantage of size and strength , but thanks to the martial arts classes she 'd taken as regularly as she could over the past few years , she had a few tricks of her own up her sleeve .
16 For them Christine keeps a list of phone numbers for animal homes which might have the animal ; she sends them posters to put up in schools , vets ' surgeries and newsagents ; and tells them to check sheds and garages in case their pet is locked inside .
17 Emily might have the head of a crow and no sense of humour .
18 The McLaggans were spoiling for a fight and I thought the lairds might have the mettle to retaliate . ’
19 The boys were to be given a certain amount of trust in their activities so that they might have the opportunity to make themselves moral , which in turn could help them become good and valuable members of the community .
20 In the absence of Ken Davies ( who had succeeded John Darbyshire as Managing Director in 1985 , and is now living in England ) he expressed the hope that at some future date we might have the opportunity of planting a third tree !
21 I 'll tell her anyway otherwise we might have the sack .
22 That was what he meant to Luke Thackray , her son , who was to sleep in the kitchen so that the " candidate " might have the privacy of his tiny but spotless room .
23 Right exactly because you might you might have the client or a representative of the client as well as architects and people who would so you have to be careful do n't you in terms of using the right words .
24 IF ONE was to pose the question , when is a retirement not a retirement , Chris Evert might have the answer .
25 Tony Bland — who has grown into a man in his hospital bed — might have the answer to their dilemma but there 's nobody to hear it where he is … stuck between Heaven and earth .
26 All I could do was to mumble that I regretted not taking my degree , and , though I could see it was irritating of me to whine , to feel stale and bored was not such a trivial thing ; that though we might have the vote now , meals still had to be prepared and children looked after and since this kind of drudgery was despised by society as not being ‘ real work ’ , we were in the hideous position of being both exhausted and imprisoned by it and also looked down on for doing it ; that I had honestly tried to be the sort of wife Richard wanted — and the sort of wife I felt I ought to be — but it was like being in a kind of airless cell and I could only see Richard as a jailer ; that I saw myself becoming progressively more and more incapable of doing anything , not just mentally , but from some kind of paralysis of will .
27 As a cadet Eva had taken Colossians 1 verse 18 as her special verse : " That in all things Christ might have the pre-eminence . "
28 So we say ‘ Of course the cat believes the ball is stuck — it is conscious , its eyes work , why else would it behave as it does ? ’ but disallow that it might have the belief ‘ that it believes the ball is stuck ’ , this being linguistic ( Kenny 1975 : 5 ) .
29 He might have the custody of a single royal forest , or of a group of forests : the ‘ Warden of the King 's forests between Oxford and Stamford bridges ’ kept the forests of Shotover , Bernwood , Whittlewood , Salcey , Rockingham and Huntingdon , in the counties of Oxford , Northampton , Buckingham and Huntingdon .
30 Presently , the talents of large numbers of girls and women who might have the potential to work in jobs which require mathematics , are being lost .
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