Example sentences of "might [adv] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Some effects of the historical struggle against the domination of the abbey might arguably have persisted — the town was not incorporated until 1553 — though its evident prosperity shows that this no longer constituted a serious handicap .
2 In Masterson v. Holden it was held that the conduct was insulting because the magistrates might properly have taken the view that such objectionable conduct in a public street may well be regarded as insulting in that it suggests to a witness that he or she is somebody who would find such conduct in public acceptable himself or herself .
3 There he ‘ distinguished himself for Hebrew & Mathematics ’ , and might eventually have obtained a fellowship had he still been single .
4 Goldschmidt might rather have said : " Can we really assume that the birds , etc. are such poor observers ( or that some very stupid ones among them are ) ? "
5 Nevertheless , while the government might successfully have enacted and implemented its rate-capping proposals , this was not achieved without considerable political cost .
6 She peered out of the window again , hoping that she might perhaps have imagined the scene below , but Miss Hardbroom had not moved and was now almost hidden from view by the smoke .
7 If you had kept your mouth shut , Friar , we might perhaps have gained the truth .
8 Although he might perhaps have done better to observe Wittgenstein 's adage , ‘ Whereof one can not speak , thereon one must be silent ’ , one can not help regretting that he has not tried to be less vague about the nature of personal growth .
9 It might perhaps have done so had Franco not delayed his assault in order to make a detour eastwards to Toledo .
10 At this stage , David Stirling might perhaps have allowed himself a moment or two of self-congratulation .
11 To a person more interested in the advance of science he might perhaps have tried to explain what he was after , but with Lucy he perceived that this would not be a success .
12 If perhaps the Government were to fund victim support properly , Erm , Mr who was burgled and has never got over it might perhaps have had a visit and some counselling from a victim support worker , and that would be a very good thing .
13 Johnson , never under an obligation to generate social ease , dismissed that by saying ‘ The intimacy is such as one of the professors here may have with one of the carpenters who is repairing the college , ’ Johnson 's point being that the printer , having printed some of Warburton 's works , might perhaps have bought the copyright in one or two of them .
14 Nothing turns on the procedure adopted in this case and it suffices to say that when , on 8 April 1992 , the matter came before Mr. Simon Goldblatt Q.C. , sitting as a deputy High Court judge , the application for an order under the Act of 1975 was made by those who are the defendants in the United States action and it was opposed by the Treasury Solicitor , although purists might perhaps have expected that any opposition would have been made by or on behalf of the Attorney-General , the objection being one taken on behalf of the Crown .
15 One might perhaps have expected that it would have been impossible to discharge him from hospital , but the local authority , which shares parental responsibility for him , has been able to place him with devoted foster parents whose dedication and skill are of the highest possible order .
16 For wee might justly have done it our selves without you , if we had thought it convenient ; … "
17 What was needed however was a concrete demonstration of support by the British government , and this was most unlikely to be forthcoming , no matter how much the Queen might personally have hoped for it .
18 I 've had a letter and er there 's various lists of people you might all have got one eventually , I do n't know , but it 's from the university engineer .
19 If he had not had this picture in his mind , he might inadvertently have written in a way that tried to satisfy different types of individual in the same book .
20 His pupils might already have attended a reading or song school .
21 The difficulty will be maintaining the momentum of switching to more expensive alternatives when oil prices are falling in real terms and surveys in 1983 indicated that investment in energy saving might already have peaked .
22 The Ravagers might already have sailed towards their jump zone , or be on the point of sailing .
23 They might already have seen her .
24 If it transpired that the intervention notice was not justified , and Lautro rescinded it , a press notice might already have caused substantial damage to the person affected .
25 If it took a couple of weeks to trace and arrange to visit all the closest relatives of the victims of a train disaster , say , those most likely to become severely depressed might already have done so .
26 It shocked Rain to realize the Josephs might already have heard of her accusations .
27 This happened rather often , and if the inhabitants of Oswaldston had not mostly been shut up in front of their televisions at this time of day , it might already have given rise to some talk .
28 If Maurin had told them she had gone home , the woman 's wagging tongue might already have put her in danger .
29 Instead , structured gestural sequences , or syntagmata as MacNeill calls them , might already have had a rudimentary grammar before they were overlaid by speech .
30 The visitor might already have known this ; Connie Franks ' better results are probably more the consequence of giving the right amount at the right time , the sign of greater attention to a plant 's needs which marks the best gardeners .
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