Example sentences of "might [adv] have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Before a BBC Radio Cleveland debate yesterday , he was obliged to explain off air that because of an undemocratic stomach bug he might suddenly have to leave in the middle of the proceedings .
2 the head of the operation in central Bosnia said the Moslems had been subjected to blatant human rights abuses and the U N might soon have to evacuate them .
3 With legislative elections due to be held the following year , de Gaulle knew that he might soon have to face a hostile majority committed to clawing back power from the president .
4 In fact , I might just have to do a bit before I , I might just buy
5 It seems that England might just have to put up with the barracking of the public , press and the other home nations Wales , Scotland and Northern Ireland .
6 So if the furnace needs an overhaul and Dizzy wants to throw a party for the locals to improve his image , then Dizzy 's Princess might just have to go . ’
7 She reconsidered his offer of help and reluctantly decided she might just have to accept it .
8 She seized any weapon she could : ‘ You 're terrified of change , because you might just have to get off your backside and do a decent day 's work . ’
9 Paul , on the other hand , is an improbably fresh-faced 22 , who might just have to start shaving in time for the return of Halley 's comet .
10 George Walker , founder and big wheel of the Brent Walker empire , has made use of a refinancing package to save the leisure-based company , but there are rumours that Brent Walker might also have to sell off assets .
11 I might also have to fly back to France economy class ’ .
12 You might also have to avoid stating the obvious .
13 The only way this impinged on the message Macmillan had been taking up to the generals in the front-line was that they might now have to prepare even more urgently for military operations to reinforce allied policy .
14 In the faintest of whispers the parents try to give comfort , try to quieten : for a moment it seems that they might even have to stifle .
15 And now they tell us we might even have to go to some barn that has n't even got proper floorboards for us to live under as Arnold Bros ( est. 1905 ) intended .
16 She might even have to mention the kiss he had given her .
17 And you might even have to do this er for an interim period or something
18 We might well have to wait for six months before we found a prahu which was heading in the right direction .
19 Yanto realised he might well have to make a special journey to pick up the old man if Julie happened to be out .
20 Their fear was that taxes would not only have to remain high but might well have to increase .
21 At worst he will limit himself to two a month , one Nil by his boss ( which the Profitboss might well have to suffer ) and one he might run for his own team to review progress .
22 They 're eradicating tumours which might otherwise have to go untreated because they are inaccesible to the surgeon or unsuitable for other types of therapy .
23 They 're eradicating tumours which might otherwise have to go untreated because they are inaccesible to the surgeon or unsuitable for other types of therapy .
24 For all but the most privileged housewives , economic dependence is a fact of life , and dependence on the husband for money with which to feed and clothe the family and run the home constrains the freedom which women might otherwise have to control their work situations .
25 The recently bought simulators will be used to teach pilots from Virgin and other airlines who might otherwise have to spend thousands for training from American companies .
26 As it is , there 's little to fault about FastLynx — it offers in one package what you might otherwise have to buy two packages to get , and is easy to use .
27 The resource might be a skill given freely for which the school might otherwise have to pay ( a father digging a pond , laying a path ; a mother erecting a simple weather station ) .
28 If he remains at transport , he might yet have to revise that judgment .
29 An aggro leader is not to be confused with a ‘ good fighter ’ for , because of the peculiar nature of aggro , * he might never have to do any fighting at all .
30 ‘ We might never have to do it . ’
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