Example sentences of "might [adv] have come " in BNC.

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1 However , the bar might not have come out even though the coin was put in .
2 She might not have come , but I did n't want to say it .
3 ‘ Because they might not have come from Alain 's clothing at all and I did n't want to upset him unnecessarily . ’
4 The scheme 's " warehousing " operation might not have come to light had it not been for the fact that the global equity market crash of the following month [ see pp. 35740-42 ] had made the irregular holdings virtually unsaleable .
5 But even should she explain it to her as his ruse to get his own way with her , there was still the possibility that the ruse might not have come off ; in anyone older than him and less strong , it could possibly have achieved its object .
6 ‘ I might not have come , ’ she teased lightly .
7 Possibly , they might not have come back from that either .
8 They might still have come together in spite of what she had done .
9 In both cases , the girls would have been brought up in a genteel atmosphere , although they might originally have come from very poor families .
10 The proposal has come from Scotia , but might equally have come from this side .
11 The ideas might even have come from elsewhere-their tutors , or books , or perhaps a tape/slide presentation — but the student has to embrace them as his or her own if he or she is claiming them to be true .
12 Indeed , the suggestion might well have come from him in the first place , which would have been so much better for everyone .
13 Jan Fischer produced a transporter that might well have come from a professional machine shop .
14 ‘ There is no legal justification whatever ’ , he thundered , ‘ in saying that Meehan was wrongly convicted , and having heard all the evidence in this case , you might well have come to the clear conclusion that he was in fact rightly convicted . ’
15 It is admitted that the gradings assigned to the respective countries have been done on a subjective basis and that different observers might well have come up with somewhat different rankings .
16 There was evidence of rivets in it and an X-ray revealed traces of a metal covering , which confirmed to experts that it might well have come from the gable end of just such a shrine , and that it could well have been the piece described by the father of Welsh historical research .
17 The Silmarillion might then have come to look like ( for example ) The Saga of King Heidrek the Wise , written late but preserving intensely moving fragments of verse from some much older time now lost ; even the editorial matter would then reinforce the effect of age and darkness ( a device Tolkien used on a much smaller scale for The Adventures of Tom Bombadil ) .
18 ( In fact , Mr Duroselle seems almost to believe that the worst aspect of colonialism was the way it divided European nations that might otherwise have come together . )
19 There is no doubt that the two old ladies did a little plotting to marry their favourite grandchildren off to on another ; but without the events of 1979 their dearest hopes might never have come to be .
20 The National Enterprise Board might never have come anywhere near what was required , but the principle was right : England needs a development agency or agencies with a wide range of social , economic and physical powers that are able to intervene in more depressed localities through corporate programmes emanating from the full range of public- and private-sector organizations .
21 Had the problem remained static , Maxine might never have come to see me .
22 For most of the time the plaintiffs seemed to miss out on the need to prove their reliance on the accounts and had they addressed this early enough , the case might never have come to court .
23 If only Jonathan had been around she might never have come to France , she might have stayed in London to explain it all to him , but he was away on business for a week , and the need to escape had been too powerful to resist .
24 Well the Ministry of Defence came into Harrogate just over fifty years ago and the jobs were done to some e to a large extent by people who might never have come to Harrogate if the Ministry of Defence had not er brought them in .
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