Example sentences of "another [noun] that they " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This is just another demonstration that they are n't fighting for any cause .
2 That is n't income support , that 's another benefit that they claim from the Local Authority .
3 In turn these children may give no signals to a busy teacher ‘ scanning ’ the class while working with another group that they are other than fully and productively engaged in their learning tasks .
4 Some women who form a relationship with another woman in middle age say that they discover a new kind of fulfilment and a sense of equality with another person that they felt escaped them before .
5 ‘ It is another sign that they did n't have a normal marriage . ’
6 Yes , c or another sign that they put up by the side of the road is was you passing this spot this time last week did you see anything .
7 Roses do not like root disturbance at the best of times , and any damage at this stage is another shock that they can well do without .
8 Penal practice was another area that they wanted to make ‘ scientific ’ .
9 Apparently none of this means too much to the East Germans at the moment , but we 're sure it 's just another barrier that they 'll soon surmount .
10 The Government were also planning to set aside the results of another competition that they had held for model barracks and this , along with the revelations over the fate of the Government Offices competition , provoked the Council of the Institute into action .
11 Also , the Big Bang Theory implied that the Universe had a finite extent — it had an ‘ outside ’ as well as an inside — and this was another idea that they could not stomach .
12 There is another possibility that they have n't mentioned because the book has n't come on to deal with it yet , but you should know what it is .
13 Perhaps , I said , there is another copy that they might let us photograph .
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