Example sentences of "away [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I can recall an incident early one September when I had a net carried away on to a hedge .
2 Run away on to the streets ?
3 They often ran away on to the moors in the morning and stayed out all day , just to make Hindley angry .
4 Sometimes this means they have more room for wheel toys , but often it gives them a chance to make their own den to hide away in with a favourite toy .
5 On the right side the hedgerow ran parallel with the road as it sloped away down to the crossroads where we had had so much trouble yesterday .
6 There was nothing more he could say : all that remained was to turn from her , pick up his bundle of clothes and hurry to catch up his father and Mr Bryant , who were already striding away down to the harbour .
7 In a gap in the trees I can now look down over a green vegetable pointillism of tree-tops , falling away down to the town .
8 So of course I went away down to the Station and the folk came off the Edinburgh train and that , and this gentleman and lady were left and of course I approached them , I says , by any chance , I says , are you Professor .
9 And also they sent some of them away down to the u the n the army that was coming from the south .
10 Oh goodness yes there 's mud , there was like Cliff Quay you had , you had your mud and when you come to chalk and further down the river you come to ballast near , near Al near the Albridge and further down you come to peat , then you come to green clay , then you come to Cattoes you c you start to dredge ballast again , Pinn Mill you 'd dredge ballast and then right away down to the sea you 'd dredge ballast .
11 The gun jerked , sent several rounds into the air before it sprayed away down into the ocean , and jammed .
12 And put it in bulk tanks you ken taking milk away down in a tank I mean we used to take it away in cans .
13 Away over towards the canal beyond the golf course , a bridge of coloured light arced to the silent earth just about where her husband would be just now , crouched in his little watchman 's hut , at the foot of the night rainbow , where a piece of heaven had fallen to earth in Ruchill .
14 Away up across the overhead bridge here you cross the you know the overhead bridge
15 Reduce prominent lids with a matte , sludgy shade of eyeshadow over the entire lid , blended away up to the brow .
16 And , miraculously , there was little resistance and I stared in disbelief as the great organ disappeared gloriously and wonderfully from sight I was right behind it with my arm , probing frantically away up to the shoulder as I rotated my wrist again and again till both uterine cornua were fully involuted Ben I was certain beyond doubt that everything was back in place I lay there for a few moments , my arm still deep inside the sow , my forehead resting on the floor .
17 Then after they crossed the Rhine , we moved away up to the north Holland about .
18 But the landscape became grander and more exciting as we drove north ; great fiords cut deep into the land , and mountain-sides of lava screes towered away up into the clouds .
19 During all our alterations I 've seen it in the old garage away up in a loft and I 've seen it put out in the back yard in the rain , and I 've always saved it and it 's there today .
20 Her nephew , Tim , was Miss Miggs 's only relative , and he lived a long way away up in the North .
21 I went on CBC last month and sold a hundred books , some of them away up in the Yukon … my publishers are getting out another book … my fifteenth .
22 Now that is a word you seldom come across in England , but away up in the Highlands and Islands being " fey " means that you have a certain sixth sense — you are the seventh son of a seventh son , or whatever the drama is on that score .
23 " Go out in the airfield and we will tell you , and field away out , " they said , I went away out to the most remarkable end until I was on the edge of the main runway .
24 Round and round went the rich , creamy milk , as the cool spring water flowed past , down through the three sloping troughs and away out of the yard .
25 Alison looked away out of the window at the facade of New College opposite .
26 And had known , took , took part in every one , right up I 'd never been away out of the town in the time the was on .
27 Gus was plunging away out of the door , contented with his dispositions , and Mrs Lane , apparently satisfied of his bona fides — and Mrs Lane had an inbuilt crystal globe , and took some satisfying — had subsided into her private enclosure and was lost to sight .
28 ‘ Oh , I 'm not sure , ’ Robyn replied vaguely , looking away out of the window .
29 He would get right away out of the town , blow the cobwebs out of his brain .
30 When a scuffle broke out , Saville moved to get away out of the way and fell awkwardly . ’
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