Example sentences of "course [prep] time [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Glasses are not particularly stable materials , and in the course of time they devitrify , acquiring a micro-crystalline structure , and losing their glassy transparency .
2 Above all , attention has concentrated on the ways in which in the course of time they managed to transform their basis of subsistence , increase and concentrate populations and by making possible a finer subdivision of labour promote advances in technology which in turn generated further cycles of progressive change .
3 Weeks went by and months went by ; in the course of time they had a little son .
4 But the mines became increasingly unprofitable despite efforts to improve them , and in course of time they were " farmed out " to Emanuel and Daniel , both sons of old Höchstetter .
5 And in the course of time they began to make simple documentaries erm which would be something say the study of Pekin , if you happened to go there , or Italy if you happened to go , any country that to which you could go , you went and you made not just newsreels but also erm documentary studies of these films , of these places .
6 Even a Roman road might be interfered with in this way and diverted from its ancient line ; and in the course of time its exact line became lost and the subject of an archaeological problem today .
7 I think in the course of time I 'll find a middle If I soften the edges — whether I need to personally or whether it 's being imposed on me — I feel I 'll be letting down the feminist revolution .
8 In the course of time I would die and then it would all be over .
9 In the course of time I moved into other , larger rooms ; the last had a splendid view of Windsor Castle .
10 Sooner or later The Course of Time it 'll
11 In the course of time it cooled and acquired an atmosphere from the emission of gases from the rocks .
12 I even hinted , without any good reason for thinking it , that in the course of time our little amateur effort at 1OAB might evolve into another commercial station , which caused considerable laughter from both my pioneer radio partners .
13 Maybe in the course of time she will show me all these marvels . "
14 It was Li Chao who first suggested I should have a Chinese name and I was both grateful and honoured when in the course of time he gave me the three-character name of Tdong Lao Fu which meant , literally , ‘ Portrait of Happy Man Climbing Mountain ’ .
15 In course of time he finds that he is the pet antipathy of his superior officers , that he is made a butt for the amusement of other men on parade , and that if there is any unpleasant work or unpopular bear or point going vacant it falls to his lot to fill it .
16 In the course of time he was sent to Cornwall to educate the Ack-Ack regiments ( and to examine the Cornish churches ) but the sudden onset of a mysterious and debilitating illness ( which later proved to be high blood-pressure ) led to his being discharged as being unfit for service .
17 In the course of time he becomes one of the world 's most famous cooks .
18 In the course of time he and Richard were to become fellow-crusaders and bitter enemies .
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